Lesson Two: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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                                                                             بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

"Who's he?" Amarah asked in a blunt and odd voice. Her architecture teacher stared at her for a second, then addressed the 'issue' the whole class was concerned about. 

"Okay, so first off, he's a Muslim. Just cuz he's a Muzlim don't mean he's a terrorist." The teacher said in something close to baby language. He did that occasionally to make the topic less burdening. Her teacher was a pure Canadian who was down to earth and entertaining to have. He was probably the only teacher in the school who was capable of understanding students. He never got angry and neither did he ever care about what background you came from. He treated you the same regardless.  His character was... actually a bit funny.  "Second off, this guy here is a graduate from this school. He knows a lot more than he needs to." Amarah stared at her teacher for a second, then looked at the student teacher who was staring at the ground. She was sitting in the first row next to her teacher's table. First row student - I mean, you'd think she's smart. But the only reason she sits there is to annoy her teacher and make chat with him. The school provided laptops for architecture to avoid the use of a computer lab. Although the school had a computer lab, it was always booked.  "Introduce yourself, Yameen." The teacher said as he threw his arms up in the air, emphasizing how much he dreaded introductions. Amarah observed the student teacher closely, seeing his mouth move in a whisper. He was whispering something, but to no one in general. 

"Okay. Hi guys. My name's actually Binyamin but I usually go by Yameen for short. So yeah, call me anything you like, but I'd prefer Yameen since I'm used to it. Another thing is, it takes a lot of time for me to get used to a new environment, so I'm hoping you'd go easy on me. I know this shouldn't be new to me since I was a student here before but now I'm here as a teacher." 

"He was a pretty popular guy here in public school but he sort of came to a halt in his last year since he started becoming too serious. Personally, I like both Yameen's mixed together but this kid's no longer the same anymore." The architecture teacher said, in a casual voice. "If you need any sort of help, this guy's a computer genius and he knows how to use the program pretty good too."

"How long is he staying?" Amarah asked, blurting it out without thinking. What the hell did I just ask? Oh... I guess I need more sleep or, or, or maybe some action-packed manga! 

"Fourteen weeks at most."  The teacher replied with a solid smile. 

"Three and a half months?!" A guy named Drake, from the back of the room, asked in shock. 

"Never knew you knew how to do math, D!" The architecture teacher, Mr. Keith exclaimed. 

"Actually you did. I do better math than you, Keith."  Mr. Keith wrinkled his forehead and whispered to Yameen. "I forgot he was in the university of Waterloo math competition."


When's this whole intro thing gonna end? I really wanna catch up on Naruto and One piece. I'm so far behind. Without realizing it, I was pouting.

"Your perverted thoughts about those manga characters are written all over your face, kid." Mr. Keith said, staring at me while the whole class laughed.

"Stop trying to read my mind, Keith. You know I just read it for the fighting. Plus, I'm not the type of girl that would drool over guys with blue eyes and blond hair. My life is too important for that. Where do you think I learn all my self defence from?" I asked, flipping my hair back sarcastically.

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