Lesson Forty (Last Chapter): Remember, Your Life is in the Hands of the Creator

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"You're leaving?" My voice came out sadly. Abeedah nodded. It had been about two months, and Abeedah's dad found out about Abeedah only a week ago. He wanted her home. He came to get her himself, but Abeedah was too afraid that he was too angry with her. He showed no signs of wanting to talk to her. He just wanted to take her home. His face wasn't angry when he came to my dad. He wasn't even crying. His face was just plain and expressionless.

"My mom said he's not angry, but it does seem like it'll take a while before he starts talking to me. He was a little too shocked when he found out I was expecting, and that I already had a baby, but the baby didn't survive." Her voice was full of remorse and regret.

"It's alright." I said, softly. "We were born to make mistakes to learn from them." She shook her head.

"Amarah, it's not okay." She said, sadly. "I'd rather die than live through this life. But to be honest, I don't have the desire and the energy to kill myself." She said, exasperated. She slumped onto the bed and I sat beside her and stayed quiet. "What? Aren't you going to tell me suicide is haram?" She asked, jokingly. But I felt the bitterness in her voice which made me flinch a little. But my face relaxed.

"I have a feeling you don't want me to comfort you right now. You're just venting, and it's the human thing to do. I don't have to tell you what's right, and what's wrong. Because you already know. I'm sure you do." I gave her a small smile. But she just stared at me, unsmiling with no expression on her face.

I helped her pack, and she folded away all her clothes into the bag her mom brought her, and didn't say much. "Girls." My mom's voice came from the door to my room. We turned to her. "Come down and eat." She said, simply. Then smiled at Abeedah. "It's your last day so I thought I'd make something special." Abeedah smiled and my mom left.

"Is something wrong?" I asked Abeedah. She shook her head. "Don't try to deny it."

"I'm fine." She said. "Really I am."

"But?" I asked. She turned to me with a straight face.

"Amarah, you're the only friend I ever had. You know that, right?" She asked. I nodded. "The best friend I ever had." She went on. "And I know back then, despite being popular, and having loads of friends and connections, I was the only best friend you had too." I nodded again. She was always someone who I could tell just about everything. Since my parents were never home, and I never exactly had someone to care for me. And popularity wasn't even that great when it came to secrets because you could never trust just about everyone.

"I know that." I replied.

"But now.... Now it's different, Amarah. You have so many friends that I don't even know if you need me the way I need you anymore." I gave her a puzzled look.

"Are you stupid?" I blurted out. Oops. "You must think I'm one crappy best friend if you think that's what I want." I scowled at her. "Making new friends shouldn't be a reason to detach from old friends." I said.

"I know, I know. It's just that we're not as compatible as we used to be."

"We don't have to be." I replied.

"No, we have to be. Friendship isn't about differences. It's about similarities." Just then I thought about Jalsaan and Ashley.

"Friendship is about trust, and commitment. It's about venting your problems and being there for each other. There's a lot of best friends around the whole wide world and being compatible with each other is the least of their problems. I don't know what's gotten into you, but it's not right." She gave me a cold laugh, then gave me a sad look.

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