Lesson Twelve: Don't Let it Get to You

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REMINDER: Get up and PRAY before you read this chapter because you might not live till the next second. Pray it like your last prayer.

Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu

I truely am sorry for the bizare updates. Wattpad just kept deleting my work on this story -_- which gave me a headache. But I still love wattpad lol Anyways this might be a tad bit longer than the rest. For those of you who enjoy long chapters: read away. For those of you who don't: :3 Sorry. 

Just an update on my life (not like it's important) but @WaVeSSS and I are starting a blog together which will be plenty of fun. If you guys wanna check it out I'll keep you updated on it. 

Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu :)


It had now been two months since I first yet Binyamin. Binyamin was only a student teacher, meaning he would be leaving soon. 

"One more month?" Umar asked, shocked. I looked down and braced myself for this. 

"Yeah..." Binyamin replied, smiling. "I also might be getting married soon. And if that happens, I'll invite you two for sure." 

"What?" I asked, not believing a word he was saying. Hey... this is too much to take in. 

"Yeah. You guys, I was thinking since you always come in this room at lunch to learn about Islam, shouldn't you guys make an MSA?" He asked. 

"What's that?" I asked, seriously. 

"I thought I told you about it before. It's a Muslim Student Association. Every school practically has one." 

"Oh! That sounds fun!" I said, getting excited, trying to forget the news Binyamin just told us. 

He was going to leave soon and on top of that... he was going to get married. I didn't like that idea for some reason. 

"It should be." Binyamin said, grinning. "You all have to make it as halal as possible though." 

"Pshh! That's easy. Umar and the guys can sit all the way in the corner while the girls and I can run this thing." I said, smiling. Umar sighed. 

"No, no, no. It's the other way around Amarah." I scowled at him. 

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" I asked him, disgusted. 

"I'm not even trying." He smirked. The nerve of this kid...

"You guys don't have to go that far." Binyamin said, laughing. It wasn't even lunch time yet, but Umar's class finished early, and there was nothing to do in our class because I finished all the work before the deadline and Mr. Keith was sleeping at his desk, while the rest of the class was talking or on the laptops playing games. "What I'm trying to say is that you just have to be cautious. Especially you two. Just remember when there's a guy and a girl alone in a room, Shaitan's the third person." He said, seriously. 

"What's going to happen between us?" I asked. "I hate him and he hates me too." I said, flatly. 

"No one is safe from Shaitan's whisper." Binyamin warned. 

When lunch finally started, I got to see Aimen. "We're starting an MSA!" I sqealed. 

"A what?" She asked, confused. 

"A Muslim Student Association!" Then she squealed as well. 

"No way! Who's going to be the president!" She asked with her eyes sparkling. 

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