Lesson Four: Never Fear, Allah's With You

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Did you all pray? If you did, that's great! If you didn't, drop your electronic device as if they themselves were the flames of hell. Come on, get tooooo itttt.  Enjoy the chapter guys :) 

Late- but E I D M U B A R A K! Yeah it's really late... I know and I apologize for that :(


"No." Amy said, flat out on the phone. 

"What? Come on! You're my best friend!"

"You know I'm still mad, right?" She asked. 

"Yeah I know! But I said, I'm sorry, didn't I?" I asked, frustrated. I was on the phone with her for only five minutes, and this is all I wanted to talk to her about. "He said, I had to bring friends if I wanted to learn."

"Doesn't that mean we have to learn about it too? No. I'm not doing it. Sorry A, I have plans at lunch." She hung up on me, leaving me in shock. You know, I thought she'd actually listen to me for once. We are best friends after all. I closed the phone and got off my bed. I want food. Maybe I should just make some Ramen... Besides when I'm hungry, I'm not the least bit nice. Not that I had to be nice to anyone.. No siblings and basically no parents. The phone rang once again. If it was Amy, I sure as hell wasn't going to talk to her. But the phone kept ringing over and over again. I should just turn it off. I did but then it rang again. 

"What?!" I yelled, answering the phone. 

"Hey... Amarah?" It was my mom. 

"Oh, yeah mom?" 

"Did something happen?" She asked, concerned. 

"No, I was just a little hungry. So I got a little mad..." I said, quietly. 

"Do you want me to bring you something home to eat? I have an hour break right now." 

"No, it's okay mom..." 

She never comes home anyways. In fact you could probably say her workplace is her real home. 



"Are we Muslim?" I asked her. She didn't answer for a second. 

"Yes we are." She said a little confused. "You didn't know?" She asked. 

"No... I mean if we were, wouldn't our lifestyle be a little different from a person who isn't Muslim?" Wow. I was supposed to know this? Do I have to ask this in order to know this?! Should someone be telling me this? 

"Amarah we'll talk about this later. I have to go. I'll send you a pizza home, okay sweetie?"

"Sure, go ahead and work all you want. That's probably the only purpose you have in life anyways." I said, getting angry. I hung up and threw my cell phone across the room in anger. What... did I just do? That's the tenth time I broke a phone... oh well, I can get another one. Do I even need another one? I'm tired of going to the same store over and over again. The guy probably laughs in my face. Ugh.. this is embarrassing. The phone rang again. Wow, it's still working with a cracked screen?

"I'll go with you tomorrow." Amy said through the other line before I could say hello. 

"... Are you trying to prank me or something?... You're serious?!" I asked, excited.

"Who else is coming?" She asked.

"Well, I already told a couple of people." So they'll probably show up... I somehow felt like I gave the wrong group the invitation. They seemed to be fine with it. "Remember April and June? The twins?" I asked.

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