Lesson Three: The Difference Between Me & You

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Assalamu Alaykum! Before reading make sure you pray whatever salaah it is in your country. If you die now, what do you think's going to count more? My story or your last prayer? Lol I'm not trying to scare you guys or anything. But your salaah is obligatory :) 



Why does this feel so normal? It's not. Three guys. One girl. The same room. She might be five years younger but that doesn't change anything. But she just looked like a confused child who had no guidance whatsoever. 

I... was like that once. 


Muslim's don't sound so bad yet. But if I was supposed to be a Muslim does that mean I'm part of the terrorist attacks too?

"How come you guys are known as terrorists?" I ask. The guy with the little brother laughs a little and Yemen just shrugs. 

"I don't know much about that but I guess worshipping your lord five times a day and dressing differently makes you a terrorist," I could sense Yemen's sarcasm clearly, "Haven't you heard about Al-Qaeda? The twin towers? 9-11? Suicide bombing? Hijacking? Kidnapping? All that involves Muslims?" He asked me seriously. 

"Well, I heard of 9-11. And I know it's completely the Muslim's fault. And that's about all... I guess." I answered back. 

"People blame the Muslims for terrorism. But what they don't realize is that they reserved the name 'terrorist' only for Muslims. I know this because of the area I was raised in. Also known as this area. It's the most ignorant area on the face of this earth. If they find out you're a Muslim, they'll treat you like an insect and march all over you. It's different now that I'm a Student Assistant but... it won't be easy to keep this school in your control if you actually are a Muslim. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm saying that if you choose Islam... choose it because you love it and you know in your heart that it's right logically and spiritually, not what others will think of you." Yemen said. "Islam doesn't teach us anything about honour killings. So I really don't know how people started thinking about it that way. Islam teaches us morals and manners."

Well that was a surprise. What if I am a Muslim? Will I have to hide then? he read my mind, he said, "Don't be a coward and get away with it. It's high school. By the way, you're old enough to learn the truth yourself. Your parents don't have to force you into it." He walked past me and out of the room. But is it all true? I'm not going to blindly believe in something like that. Maybe I should research some of it... Wow Amarah what a genius you are!

Since I legit had nothing else to do, I went out to the soccer field to play a match or two. Soccer was always fun but I would never join the club even though the team members would always nag at me to join it. There was no way I wanted to take a hobby seriously. Sure, I might have been exceptionally good at it, but it's what I do for fun. I don't want to ruin that fun. People thought I was weird for saying that, but it was something so far only I understood. 

I dropped by near Mr. Keith's room and did work for about ten minutes. Mr. Keith and I weren't alone. Yemen was with us. He wasn't particularly paying attention to me and neither was Mr. Keith. Heck, it seemed like they were both drifting off to sleep. As stiff as Yemen may be, he was a lousy sleeper. I can tell. I smiled as I saved my work and quietly attempted to leave the room. That's right. Attempted. Mr. Keith grabbed onto my bag from behind.

"Have you finished your work young lady?" Mr. Keith asked. 

"I just have to do one more drawing on it, but I'm practically done! I swear!" I said, trying not to sound childish. 

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