Lesson Thirty-Six: Consultation and Acceptance

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Reminder: Please pray your prayer before reading this chapter. 


I had a hard time talking when all she kept doing was staring at me. It made me nervous, and I felt my voice starting to stutter. Why was she staring at me anyways? Did she feel sorry for me? Is that why she was going on with this? Or is she actually looking past it? My head was jumbled with thoughts and her staring at me wasn't really helping. I sneaked a glance at Amarah, and saw that she wasn't looking. I hate being wrong about small things, but at least I could relax a bit. She seemed quiet, which was actually contrary to what her father told me about her. She was wearing a grey and black stipped long dress with long sleeves, and a grey scarf to match. And her hands were fiddling around in her lap, as she waited for her dad to finish talking. Her pale skin made her look a little sick as if she was catching the cold or something. And her brown eyes were filled with a sense of concern and anxiety. I guess it was only me that couldn't look away from her... Because Uncle was right about one thing when it came to his daughter... she was beautiful. 

We were sitting in their living room. It was wide, and spacious. Nothing like my apartment. But I wouldn't change my apartment for anything to be honest. Their room had dozens of decoration pieces everywhere with a showcase, and a T.V. sitting right in front of their glass fireplace. 

"Amarah. Ilyas. Do you guys have any questions for each other?" He asked looking at both of us. For a second I thought I saw a smile pass on her face, but maybe it was just me. Amarah nodded carefully. And so did I. 



We both stopped ourselves. 

"You go first." She said. 

"No, you should go first." I replied. 

"No, I insist." She said. A part of me wanted to smile, but I couldn't. 

"No, clearly it's lady's first." I replied. 

"Will, you two just get to it already?" Amarah's mom asked as she brought the tea and pastries in.  She starting smiling. Both of her grandmother's laughed, and her baby sister crawled up to me. I stared at her, then I stared at Amarah's mom. She nodded. "Go ahead. You can pick her up if you want. You don't seem like a threat to her." Her mom assured me. I carefully picked the baby up. "Her name's Jannah. Amarah named her." Jannah.... The baby started laughing, and giggling, and took both her hands and started clapping. I started laughing. And she became even more happier. 

"Jannah's a beautiful name." I said, still smiling at the baby, trying to not get nervous while looking at her older sister. 


A man with kids... this scene should so be prohibited for marriage meetings. My face was burning up on so many different levels. When my mom looked over to me, she noticed straight away. His laugh is what got to me. And seeing that Jannah's already given her approval, this is probably about to get really serious. I calmed down, and he put Jannah back on the ground smiling, but she kept coming to him. Finally she rested in his arms, playing with his fingers. 

"In the whole wide world, and universe, what's the most important thing in your life?" I asked him. It didn't even take him two seconds to answer. 

"Allah (swt)." He replied, simply. I wasn't surprised, but a smile slipped from me anyways without myself noticing. 

"Okay, your turn." I said. Jannah made a noise, and I turned to her and her chubby cheeks formed a huge smile. 

"What about you?" He asked. 

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