The Beginning

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Yazmin's POV

"523 Chambers Street Over.We got a 829."

I picked up my walkie-talkie and responded.

I was currently in my police car,eating some doritos.

"Copy.I'm on my way.Over"

I stuffed a chip in my mouth and started the car.

Some kids were hanging out smoking by a convenient store.I have to make them get off the block.Sigh.

I drove quickly down the street.Taking the short way to my destination. I reached,seeing three boys and two girls all smoking and laughing.

I came out the car and addressed them.

"Names please?"

"Why,you gonna turn us in?"The shortest boy asked.

"It depends.Can I see your ID?"

He rolled his eyes and handed it to me.

18.Too young to smoke.You have to be 21 to smoke in New York.

"Just as I suspected.Are the rest of you 18?"

They nodded.I sighed.

"Im gonna need backup or help.Over"

* * *

"Officer,I need to go home"A tall guy from the group told me.

"No one is here to pick you up?Well you have to wait."

"I know that.But I'm legal to go home. Why can't I?"

"Just our rules when it comes to kids under 21".

"My mom and dad are both at

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine.I'll take you home. "


"Whatever.Come on.Let's go."

We arrived at his house minutes to 3 in the morning.It was that late?

"Thanks again..."
"Cool.I'm Carter.Well bye"
"I better not see you again in that precinct.Got it?"

He nodded.

And he's back.Three days later.

"Dont you listen?Why are you hanging with those
idiots anyways? "I asked,filing a report.

"I don't know " Carter replied,

"Ok make this the last time,kid."

"Im 18.I'm an adult now."

"Im 24.I'm an old lady now"I mocked.

Carter smiled."At least your telling the truth ".

I gasped,Is this guy serious?

"Kid,get out my office.Go home."



"Your pretty"

I smiled.

If only I knew those would be the words to start something new in my life.

Author's Note
Sorry.Just a short filler chapter.It gets better promise.I hope you like so far.Bye.

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