That Felt Good

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"Guys,I'm going on a day trip to New Jersey for business.I'll be back late so I'm gonna leave food for you guys.Don't think just cause I'm gone you can do whatever you want cause that's not the case.I'm locking the door and you guys are staying in here.I'll be rugt back, "Marco announced and then he left the room.

"I can't believe this.I actually thought this could of been a perfect opportunity to find our phones."I said,very annoyed.Now what are we supposed to do?Just waste the day?

"I know.But it doesn't have to be.We can still come up with a plan on a way to get the key for the door."Carter added.

"How?Were stuck in this damn room the whole time. "

Then Marco barged in with two plates of food

"This is for lunch and dinner.Share it however you want .Eat wisely.Bye."Then he left.

"I give up Carter.There is no way were getting out of here.I mean how long does he expect to keep us captive."I muttered,feeling sad

Carter sighed."I know your losing hope.I am too but giving up is our last resort.Why don't we check in here?Maybe there's something useful."
Carter went inside the closet and searched.

"Your not gonna find anything.Come out Carter."

"Are you sure about that?"Carter's voice echoed.

I curiously wlaked in the closet and was grabbed from behind.

By instinct,I used my elbow and hit Carter in the face.

"Ugh my nose!"He groaned.

"Omigosh,are you okay?"I asked,feeling horrible.

"No it hurts like fuck!Why the hell are you so strong?"

I put my arm around his shoulder and we walked back the bed.

"Im so sorry"I replied,peering up at his face.His nose was red.Yikes.

"Ow!Be gentle."Carter whined.I rolled my eyes.Baby.

"You'll be fine.Man up.And this is why I can't date you."I muttered the last part.

Carter looked up at me.He seemed disappointed.I sighed.

"I didn't mean it like that.I'm just independent and I have to know how to defend myself.If you date me you would have to deal with that all the time."

Carter smirked.What?

"Good.I like that your tough.I think its hot."

I rolled my eyes.Of course he does.

"I like the way you roll your eyes all the time.Sometimes I purposely say annoying things just so you would."Carter blurted.I raised my eyebrows.

He blushed.That obviously wasnt supposed to be said.

I laughed.He's so cute.

Ignore that thought.

"Um anyways I uh do that cause-"

"Shhh its okay.You don't have to explain "I said,amused.

"Im such an idiot.I'm supposed to be cool around you."Carter mumbled.

I smiled."Be yourself.Idiot is cute on you".

Carter blushed once more.Its fun making him all embarrassed.

"Can I bite you?" I heard him ask.



His face was bright red.

"I mean so we could be even.You hit me and I bite you."He quickly covered up.

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