Get used to it

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That's my song btw yall know who POV its in

I didn't expect her to take up super girly clothes.Sure she's a baby mentally but geesh Yaz would kill me if she was ever to wear this in public.

“Are you absolutely positive you want this?”I asked her.

She nodded.

“Okay.Don't be mad later when I get it.”

We were back at the house.Tomorrow I have school.I don't know what I'm going to do with her.

She can't go to work.She can't even bathe so nope that's not an option. A babysitter?

Nah.What to do?

“Carter!Do you like it???”

She came into the room with a black skater dress on.

I bit my lip.Of course she looked amazing.

“You look great”I smiled.

She grinned back at me.

“Yay!”She jumped on me while giving a hug.

All this love.Not that I mind.

“I never wanna let go.”she whispered.

I wonder what's really up with her.

I held her tighter.

“Okay.I have more clothes to show you.Get ready.”She ran away.

Such a cutie.

I was working on my essay which was due two weeks ago but hey I'm getting it done.

“Im back!”Yaz entered the room with a pink crop top and white tutu.

When did she pick that up?

“You do know that you can't wear that on the street?Right?”

”Why not?”she asked,confused.

“Um...its unusual.”

“Oh.Okay.”she walked away,dragging her feet.

“You look beautiful!”I called out.


“No.I got you.”I lifted her by the waist so she can reach the bottle of black pepper.

We were making dinner.

“Yay I got it!!!”she cheered.

“Great.”I put her back on the ground.

She grabbed my arms and wrapped then around her waist.

“Yaz...”I trailed off.

“What?”she blinked her eyes,innocently at me.

“Do you want me to touch you?”I asked being totally straightforward.

“Uh huh.”she turned,wrapping her arms around my neck.

“I told you my rules.”

“But this isn't sexual.”

I shook my head,rolling my eyes.

“Okay fine.”

“Really?You'll touch me?”Her eyes sparkled. Someone's been waiting for this.

I grabbed her waist and placed her on the counter.

“Im kinda mad at you.”I whispered in her ear.


“I should have been at the bar.You wouldn't have gotten hurt.Its my fault.”I caressed her cheek.

She bit her lip.“I sorry.I wanted to have fun but you keep being mean.”

“I just wanna protect you.”I whispered again.

“I-I g-get that but I need to be free to do what I want.And you have to understand that.”

She was right.

“Now kiss?”she smiled.

“I don't think so.We have food to prepare.”


It was time to sleep.

I need to find a way for Yazmin to be taken care of.I don't wanna leave her here by herself but I might have to do that.

“Carter!”Yaz jumped into the bed next to me.

She already started to cuddle.

“You better keep your distance to yourself”.I teased,grinning.

She huffed,turning the other direction.

I laughed.

I moved behind her,wrapping may arm around her waist.


“Dont let go.”

Yaz is so adorable.

Xoxo nia

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