The Cabin

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"So this is your room.I didn't know I was expecting guests so there is only one room.I'm expecting you guys to be smart with dealing with the situation. Here are the rules:

1.Bathroom time is of 7am to 9am
which means taking a shower and using the restroom
2.Food will be delivered to your rooms when I feel like it.
3.Stay in your rooms at all times.
4.Bedtime is 10pm .

I will come to check up on you.The doors will be locked.There are cameras. I warn you now if you try to leave you will be punished.One more thing.I let guest's come over to discuss issues please do not make noise or you will suffer the consequences. So any questions?"

Carter raised his hand.Are you kidding me?Has he already given up?

"How long will we be staying here?"

"Hmmm.I don't usually kidnap people.So I'm not sure.I honestly don't like hurting people but you guys just had to be there.And your a cop.So not very soon boy.Not soon".Marco walked away.

"I can't believe were in this mess.I could be home. Doing nothing right now."

I shrugged."Its your fault so deal with it."

Carter sighed."Yeah.Its my fault.I fell and screamed".

I shook my head in disbelief.

"You are so annoying.Can we just figure out a way to get out of here please?"

Carter laughed,sitting on the bed."You heard the guy.We'll get in trouble"

"Are you seriously listening to him?Come on mastermind.You are so smart.Help me think of something "I replied,fiddling with my fingers.

"I can't.At least not yet.I have to get to know this guy first."

"How long will that take?"..

"A few days.A week.Month.It depends how often I see him.Its not like I can do research.We have no technology devices."

I put my head in my hands.Can this get any worse?

"So we sharing the bed?"

"Heck to the no.Your on the floor"My eyes sent daggers.

"I dont think so.I want to be comfortable.You shouldn't take up all the space on that huge bed."

I shook my head rapidly.

"Who cares? Your a boy kid. You need to be away.On the floor."

"Nuh uh.Were sharing the bed."




Carter came up to me and pushed me against the closet.

"Get off of me!"I squealed.He's so heavy.

"Not until you say yes!"


Carter grinned,his right hand pressed against my cheek. He kept caressing it.

"Stop!Get away from me!"I struggled pushing him off of me.Damn.

He licked his lips,smiling.He has a nice smile for such a evil boy.

"Just say yes.I'll stop. I promise"

I sighed.I nodded.Carter raised his eyebrows."What was that?"
.I gave him a face.
Carter whispered leaning close to my ear,"I never wanted someone as bad as I want you "

What the hell?

I pushed him off and he stumbled back.

"Your such a...boy"

"Oh wow.You didn't know that?I have proof if you really want to check"

I rolled my eyes.

"Whats got into you?"I asked him.He's acting strange.

"I can't tell you.Its embarrasing"He said,quietly .

"Really?Try me"

"Well...if you insist.
I'm really horny.".

You have got to be kidding me.

He he.I'm evil. Longer chapter.Because I had so.much inspiration.If you like vote comment and follow me.

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