The Escape

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I couldn't believe that Carter had given up so easy.I mean sure its complicated and more issues than I normally imagined.But we can make it work.I know we can.

It was time to sleep so I curled up on the right side of the bed and Carter was on the left.We had a good amount of space in between us.I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep since I was really tired.

Bam bam bam!!!

Ugh.Who is that?

"Its 7am.You got two hours to use the bathroom because after its being locked for the rest of the day.And by the way I have guests so do not make noise."Marco's footsteps drifted away.

Carter shuffled in his sleep.I rolled my eyes.I felt so lazy.It was way too early in the morning for this.Like c'mon.But I got up anyways.

In the closet was two towels,two rags,and two outfits.One for me and one for Carter I'm guessing.
I grabbed the supplies and walked out the room.The bad thing is that the lock is on the outside of the door. So the only way to get out is to get the key.I looked around.Camera's everywhere.Damn this guy don't play.I walked down the hallway.Bathroom.I opened the door.

I locked the door from the outside and came in.

Twenty minutes later,Carter knocked on the door.

I was in the middle of washing my hair.

"What ,I'm in the middle of stuff!"

"I have an escpae plan"He whispered.

My eyes popped open.

I took towel and tiptoed out the shower."Come in"He unlocked the door and came in.

"Its not an exact plan but I have an idea of how we can get out the room.Its not full proof but we really need to think about how to get out of here"he said,quietly.

I smiled at him. I guess he never gave up after all.

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