Niall Tonsillitis

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Niall came out to the living room and coughed into his arm. He then put his hand around his throat and winced in pain. You looked up at him and noticed he looked a little pale.

"Hey baby," you motioned for him to come sit by you. Niall got home late last night. He and the other boys were home for a few weeks before heading back out on tour. He put his head on your shoulder. "You alright sweetie?" you asked running your fingers through his hair. He coughed in his arm. He shook his head.

"What doesn't feel well?" You asked.

"My throat is killing me, I'm cold too," He shivered.

"Let's just take it easy for a few days, I'll get you some medicine," You told your boyfriend. He nodded. "I'll get dressed and head out to the store." You stood up and let Niall lay on the couch. You covered him with a blanket before heading off to take a shower. You got dressed and walked back out to the living room and found Niall sound asleep. You felt his head and notice he had a slight fever. "Poor baby," You whispered. You grabbed your keys and went to the store.

When you got back Niall was still sound asleep on the couch. You pulled out some medicine and walked over to him.

"Ni," you said softly. He opened his eyes. "Take these. For your throat." He sat up and took the pills and popped them in his mouth and took a drink of water. You sat down beside him and he laid down on your lap. You ran your fingers through his hair. "Sorry you don't feel well babe," You said softly.

"Just glad I'm here with you." He coughed into his arm.

"Try to rest Niall," you told him. He sighed and shut his eyes. He fell sleep quickly. You watched TV for a bit then you noticed Niall started snoring. Niall never snores. You rub up and down his arm and went back to watching TV. Niall woke up a few hours later and started coughing.

"Y/N," he said weakly. His voice sounded awful.

"Yeah baby?"

"Could I have some more medicine?" He asked putting his hand around his throat. You looked at the time.

"Yeah you could take some more now. Are you hungry?" He shook his head. "No? Alright, here sit up." You got up and got him some more medicine and brought it back to him. He took them and a drink of water but seemed to have a hard time swallowing them. He finally got them down and put his hand back around his throat. "You ok?" You asked rubbing his back. He winced in pain. "Open your mouth let me see your throat." He did as you said and you used your phone as a light to look in his mouth. His tonsils were incredibly swollen. "You may have strep baby. I'm gonna make an appointment for you to go to the doctor." Niall nodded and leaned back on the couch. You called the doctor and made and appointment for Niall the next day. You walked back into the living room and Niall looked up at you.

"Can I have some more water?" he asked in almost a whisper.

"Why you whispering?" You asked.

"My throat, I can't talk," he strained to say.

"OK then don't talk anymore, don't want to make it worse," you told him. He nodded you got him some more water and he took smalls sips. He grimaced in pain every time he took a drink. "Oh baby, does it hurt that bad?" He nodded. You rubbed his back and kissed his head. "The doctor will fix you up tomorrow. Lay back down." He did as you said and went back to sleep. You woke him up about two in the afternoon to try to get him to eat. "How bout I make you some soup?" You asked. He shook his head. Your heart broke. "Ni, you haven't eaten all day. Please, you've got to eat something." He sighed then agreed. You got up and made him a bowl of soup and brought it back to him. He took a bite and swallowed hard. Tears popped to his eyes as he took another bite. He could seem to swallow it. "Alright Niall, you tried. You don't have to eat it," he put the bowl down and put his head on your shoulder. You put your arm around him and rubbed his arm. "Sorry buddy," he sat up and coughed. He tried to clear his throat but quickly regretting it putting his hand around his throat. Tears started to fall from his eyes. "Oh baby, don't cry," you soothed. He grabbed a couple tissues from the table and coughed into them. Tears streamed down his face. It was clear he was in a lot of pain. He pulled the tissues away from his mouth and you noticed spots of blood on them. He looked over at you with big eyes.

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