Louis High fever

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"Alright boys from the top!" Paul yelled. The boys were running their sound check for their concert that night and Louis was struggling. He hadn't felt well all day. His head throbbed and his stomach ached and he had a chilled to the bone and sweating more than normal. He knew that not preforming wasn't an option so he pushed through. Harry looked over at him and noticed how sluggish Louis seemed. He walked over and put his hand on his shoulder.

"You alright Lou?" Harry asked sweetly. Louis nodded and smiled. Harry looked him up and down.

"Just a bit tired," Louis lied. Harry nodded.

"Let's go Harry. Let's run it again!" Paul called. Harry patted Louis back and ran off to his spot. Louis trudged through the rest of the sound check and went back to the dressing room to lie down. He shivered and curled up on the couch. Sweat ran down his face. He clearly had a fever. He got up and went into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw the dark circled under his eyes. He started to make his way back to the dressing room when get got confused about where he was. He looked around and Niall came out of his room.

"Lou?" Niall asked. "What are you doing?"

"Just, stretching my legs. I'm headed back to the dressing room," Louis replied quickly. Niall nodded and Louis walked off. He made it back to the dressing room and flopped back on the couch. He stomach cramped painfully and he whimpered as he wrapped his arm around his stomach. He drifted off into a restless sleep. He tossed and groaned as fever induced nightmares haunted him. Harry came into the dressing room about an hour before the show to check on him and saw his in distress.

"Louis," Harry said shaking him. Louis's eyes shot up and he sat up quickly.

"Where are we?" He asked in a panic.

"We're at the stadium Lou," Harry put his hand on his head. "Louis you're burning up!"

"No, I'm fine." Louis said stubbornly standing up. "I've got to get ready."

"Louis let me take your temperature," Harry begged.

"It won't make a difference. I've got to go on," Louis argued. Harry gave up and stood.

"Just take it easy ok?" Harry asked looking back. Louis nodded. Harry sadly walked out of Louis room.

When the show started Louis felt terrible. He was dizzy and his vision was blurred but he pushed through. Harry kept looking over at him worried that something was going to happen. The music started for Ready to Run and Harry started singing. Louis sat on the platform as he was overcome with a horrible dizziness. He couldn't see straight and he started to blackout. He shook himself out of it and stood up.

"This time I'm ready to run. Escape from the city and..." Louis couldn't finish the line. His vision went dark and he felt himself fall to the ground. The boys stopped instantly. Harry ran to Louis who was now shaking violently on the stage. He held his head which burned with a fever.

"Call and ambulance," Harry called. Liam ran backstage and Niall crouched down beside them. Louis stopped shaking but still hadn't regained consciousness when the ambulance got there. They rushed him to the hospital and hooked him up to IV's. They found his temperature to be over 105. Harry sat with him until he woke up a few hours later.

"Harry," Louis said softly.

"Hey Lou. How you feeling?" he asked.

"Been better, where am I?" He asked.

"You're in the hospital mate. You're fever was so high you had a seizure," Harry explained. Louis's eyes got wide. "You've been out for a few hours."

"Have you been here the whole time?" Louis asked. Harry nodded. "Thank you so much Hazza." Harry smiled and took his hand.

"I'm just glad you're feeling better," Harry said. Louis stayed in the hospital that night with Harry right beside him. He was released the next day. After a few days of rest he was feeling much better.

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