The guy next door

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This was not a request just something I threw together. Hope you like it. 

I walked into school like I did every day and sat down at my friends table.

"Morning," Kaylee smiled.

"Hey, did you get that Spanish homework done? That was ridiculous."

"Yeah but it took me like all night," she sighed. I looked over at the table my brother usually sits at. "He's not here," Kaylee said getting my attention back.


"Harry. He's not here yet. That who you were looking for right?" I blushed a little and nodded. "You're so not slick. Why don't you just tell him you like him?"

"Gordy would kill me if I asked out his friend," I chuckled.

"Who cares what Gordon think? You've been crushing on this dude forever." It was true. My brother Gordon played soccer at school so him and Harry were pretty close. He also lived right next door to us. He was a year older than me that really didn't bother me.

"Wonder where he's at," I sighed.

"He'll show up. Probably just late." The bell rang and everyone started to stand up.

"Catch you in Spanish?"

"Yeah, maybe by then Styles will show up," she winked.

"You're stupid," I teased. I got up and went to my locker and started to grab my books. I was just about to walk off and I saw Harry rushing to his locker that was only a few down from mine.

"Hey have you seen Gordy?" he asked out of breath.

"Check the bathroom that's where he typically is," I scoffed. Harry didn't seem like himself. His eyes were dull and he looked kind of pale. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked quickly regretting the question.

"Yeah, just running late. Thanks Y/N." I held my breath as I watched him walk away quickly searching for my brother. Once he was out of sight I closed my locker and went to class. My first two classes were uneventful. My third class was Spanish which I had with both Kaylee and Harry. Kaylee sat beside me and Harry sat at the next table over. I plopped down next to Kaylee and glanced over finding Harry in his seat with his head down. Something wasn't right.

"Looks like you lucked out," Kaylee whispered in my ear.

"Does he look ok to you?"

"He looks like he does every day." I rolled my eyes she was so oblivious. We sat and took notes for a while quietly. I kept looking back at Harry, I just had a feeling something was wrong. He kept shifting in his chair and had his hand carefully place on his stomach. In the middle of the lecture he got up and ran out of the room with his hand over his mouth. The teacher ignored it and kept on going. My heart raced. Something was wrong. He didn't come back at all that class and when the bell rang all his stuff was still sitting there. I reluctantly got up and left the room. 

I was in the school choir which we had next. Harry was in the choir too and he was an amazing singer. There was just something about his voice. I walked in hoping to see him sitting in his chair but he wasn't there. My heart sunk a little. I sat down in my seat and watched the door hoping he would come in. Much to my disappointment he never did. Our choir director walked in and shut the door. Where was he?

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