Liam Stomach virus

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This was a special request for @cliffordxdrxgs hope you like it.

Liam's P.O.V.

I rolled over in bed trying to get comfortable. I looked over at Rachel who was sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake her but I really wasn't feeling well. I felt my stomach bubble and I blew out hot air. I wrapped my arm around my stomach and closed my eyes. After an hour of no luck I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I grabbed a paper cup from the cabinet and got a drink of water. As soon as I swallowed it I felt my stomach turn. My stomach sent up air and I burped foul tasting air. I sighed as I stood there. I knew I would probably throw up at some point so I thought it was best to just not leave the bathroom. Instead of throwing up I just kept burping. Every time I did I just felt worse. Maybe I won't throw up. I thought to myself. I went back into the bedroom and crawled back in bed and closed my eyes.

I couldn't fall asleep. My stomach kept sending up the air that was trapped inside. I was trying to be as quiet as I could but I was clearly failing as Rachel started to shift in bed.

"Babe," I whispered softly.

"What?" she snapped. I felt a twinge of guilt knowing I woke her up. I open my mouth to say something but at that time my stomach sent up more air causing me to burp louder then I intended. "God Liam, knock it off. The boys may find that funny at 3 in the morning but I don't," she huffed.

"No, babe. I'm not doing it on purpose," I told her sadly.

"Cut the crap, Liam. Go back to sleep," she snapped. I sighed and rolled over. I couldn't go back to sleep though. I could stop burping and I knew Rachel was getting mad at me. After a while I knew I needed to leave because I was keeping her awake.

"I'm going to lay on the couch," I said softly.

"Fine," she snapped. I walked downstairs and laid down on the couch and turned the T.V. on. The endless air in my stomach was causing me to feel nauseous. I stood up and got a bucket from under the sink in the kitchen and went back to the couch. I was freezing so I threw as many blankets over me as I could. I was shaking back my hair was damp with sweat. My stomach made a nauseating flip that sent a shudder up my spine. I sat up quickly reaching for the bucket. I grabbed it just in time as instead of air my stomach sent up its contents. I gagged and heaved for several minutes until my stomach settled. Well back to the bubbling air that was there before. I was too weak to get up so I set the bucket down and fell against the couch. I laid there with my eyes closed as my head spun. The burping had started again. I groaned in pain as the air in my stomach seemed to push around everything else inside me. I laid there for the rest of the night. Sleeping for only short intervals before waking up to throw up or just in pain. I managed to get myself up to clean out the bucket that had become very full. I walked slowly back to the couch, exhausted, but knowing very well I would not fall asleep. I laid down covering myself with the blankets trying to warm myself and stop the shivering that had taken over my body. I don't know when I fell asleep but it finally seemed to find me.

Rachel's P.O.V.

When I woke up that morning I noticed Liam hadn't come back to bed. I was still annoyed with him for acting so childish. I walked downstairs and found him curled up on the couch. He was shivering and he had the bucket from under the sink next to him. I put my hand on his head and felt a fever.

"Babe," I said softly. Liam opened his eyes. They were bloodshot, like he hadn't slept all night. "Liam were you sick last night?"

"Several times," he said weakly.

"I'm going to call the doctor," I told him. He nodded. I made Liam an appointment, luckily, for the same day. He wouldn't eat and he was too weak to get up and do much. I was starting to feel back about how I acted towards him that night. When I took him to the doctor he was examined and they took a swab from Liam's cheek. When the Doctor came back she looked at us.

"Liam has a very aggressive stomach virus," she started. "The belching and vomiting or both very common for this strand. Be lucky we caught in now. A virus this aggressive has a tendency to put people in the hospital due to dehydration. I've prescribed him some antibiotics that will help. Take it easy for a few days Mr. Payne." She handed us the prescription which we got filled immediately. I took Liam home and put him in bed making sure he was as comfortable as possible.

"Liam, I'm so sorry," I started. I felt tear welling up in my eyes.

"Why babe?" he asked.

"I was so mean to you last night. I thought you were just kidding around. I didn't realize how sick you were. You even tried to tell me," the words fell out of my mouth as tears ran down my face. Liam reached up and took my hand.

"It's ok sweetheart," he said softly. He smiled slightly at me. I leaned down and kissed his head.

"What do you need Liam?" I asked.

"Just you," he smiled. I laid down next to him and let him cuddle into me.

"I love you so much Liam," I whispered.

"Love you too, sweetheart," he whispered back. He fell asleep shortly after. I didn't leave his side for the next several days. I took care of him making sure he had everything he needed. I was so thankful when he finally got better. Liam is the strong one. He thanked me repeatedly for taking care of him. I just smiled at him.

"I love you."

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