Larry Harry upset stomach

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(Louis's P.O.V.)

I felt the bed shift and Harry stood up. I rubbed my eyes and called after him.

"Haz?" He turned back and looked at me.

"I'm sorry Louis, I didn't mean to wake you." He sounded a little off. I sat up to try to get a better look at him.

"You ok Harry?" He shrugged a little. "Come back and lay down. What's wrong?" He sat back down on the bed and I put my arm around him. "You alright babe?" I combed my fingers through his hair.

"Not feeling very well," he mumbled. I was awake now.

"What's going on love?" I asked softly.

"My stomach a is bit upset. I was getting up to get some water." He laid his head on my chest.

"Oh babe, I'll go get you some water. You stay here and lay down." He laid back down in bed and I got up and went to the kitchen to get him a bottle of water. Poor Hazza. I hated when he was sick. Harry rarely got sick it was always me that ended up getting sick. I took the water back to him and handed it to him.

"Thanks Lou." He took a few sips of the water trying to ease his turning tummy. I laid down with him and pulled him into my chest.

"You gonna be alright Hazza?" I asked.

"I think so, probably just stress." We had been running around like mad people the last few weeks. Management had us in the studio every day pushing this new album. It was really started to weigh heavy on Harry.

"Try to relax. I've got you love." I rubbed down his back and felt him relax. We laid there for a while I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Harry had wiggled himself out of my arms. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and put his hand on his stomach. I sat up and he turned and looked at me.

"I'm sorry Louis," he sighed. "I'm keeping you up."

"It's alright Haz. Are you ok babe?" I moved beside him and put my hand on his back. He shook his head and sighed.

"My stomach is really upset. I don't know what going on with it?" he explained softly.

"Do you think you're going to throw up?" I asked nervously. I'm really bad with vomit so I was scared Harry was that ill and I wouldn't be able to help him.

"I don't think so," he sighed. I felt a little bit of relief. "Maybe I should go downstairs. I hate that I'm keeping you up."

"No, it's alright. I don't mind. I feel terrible you're sick." I pulled him into me and he rested his head on my shoulder. "Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked resting my head on top of his.

"I don't think so. It'll pass. I hope." I felt terrible for my poor sick baby. I rubbed down his side and listened to him breathe. We didn't sit there for long before his breathing got heavy.

"Alright Hazza?" I asked. He stood up quickly.

"Louis stay here." I quickly walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I had a good idea what was coming next. I stood up and made my way to the door and paused on the other side. I heard Harry start coughing which was followed by gagging. I opened the door and went to his side. I didn't want him to be alone.

"Aww Hazzy," I whispered. I knelt down beside him and put my hand on his back. He gagged again but didn't bring anything up. "Shh baby it's alright," I soothed him. He closed his eyes as his stomach violently starting sending up what was inside. I turned my head but kept rubbing up and down his back.

"I'm sorry Louis," he coughed before retching again.

"Don't talk Harry just relax." We sat there for several minutes before he was able to relax. He flushed away his dinner and sat back against me. "You feel any better?"

"Yeah I do. I'm just tired now."

"Let's get you back in bed." I helped him stand and he washed out his mouth and got back in bed. I let him cuddle into me and I felt him relax.

"Thank you Louis," he sighed letting his eyes shut.

"Course Harry."

"I love you." His voice trailed off and his breathing evened out. I kissed his forehead and smiled.

"Love you too Hazza."

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