Louis Chest infection

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Louis coughed into his arm as he walked to the front of the bus. The other three boys looked up at him.

"Alright Lou?" Niall asked.

"Chest hurts something awful," Louis said before coughing again. Liam jumped up going into Daddy mode. He put his hand on Louis head feeling for a fever.

"You don't feel warm," Liam said softly. Louis coughed again his chest rattled and pain shot through it. He started to get dizzy and swayed a bit. "Whoa, easy there," Liam said steading him. He led him over to the couch and sat him down. Louis coughed again shutting his eyes in pain.

"Sounds like I did when I had a chest infection," Niall said. Harry nodded and agreed.

"Did you feel this terrible Nialler?" Louis asked before coughing again.

"Yeah my chest was in bits. I felt horrible. I've still got some medicine," Niall said jumping up. Liam grabbed a blanket and threw it over Louis.

"Thanks Liam," Louis said softly before coughing again.

"I'll make you some tea," Liam said walking away. Niall came back with two tablets and some water and handed them to Louis.

"Here mate, these'll help," He said. Louis took the pills and swallowed them. "Just rest. You'll feel better," Niall said. Louis nodded.

"Lay down," Liam instructed. Louis did as he said and coughed a few more times.

"You sound awful Lou," Harry said sadly.

"I feel worse," Louis said hoarsely. Liam brought over a mug of tea and gave it to him. "Thanks," Louis said taking a sip.

"Just rest. Let that medicine work. You've got to get that cough under control," Liam said. Louis agreed and shut his eyes. He fell asleep shortly after finishing the tea that Liam had made.

"Poor guy," Niall said. "I know how he feels."

"He's just got to take it easy and let that medicine work," Liam said. Harry nodded.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Harry said. Louis slept for a few hours then woke up coughing again. His chest felt tight and like someone was sitting on top of him. He coughed again and sat up. Liam came up front with some medicine and more tea.

"Here buddy," Liam said handing him the medicine.

"Thanks," Louis said sitting up. He took the pills and popped them in his mouth. "Where are the other two?" He asked.

"Playing FIFA," Liam explained. Louis smiled. "How you doing?"

"I'm feeling a bit better," Louis replied.

"You'll be back on your feet in no time."

"Thanks for looking after me," Louis said.

"Course, just glad you're feeling better," Liam smiled. "Try to rest up a bit more though." Louis agreed and laid back down. Louis stayed up top of his medicine and was back on his feet in no time.

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