Niall catches Harry's sickness

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(Niall's P.O.V.)

                When I woke up that morning I knew something was wrong. My whole body ached and I had chills running down my spine. My stomach churned making me feel nauseous. Harry had just gotten over having a stomach bug. Odds are I caught it. I was with him through most of it my chances of getting sick were pretty high. I sat up slowly making my way to the front of the bus and grabbing myself a bottle of water and a few stomach relaxers. The boys didn't need to know I was sick too. Today's workload was pretty light. We only had one interview so I knew I could push through. I took the pills and took a few deep breaths, rubbing my stomach gently trying to calm it down. I figured since I was up I might as well get ready. I grabbed my clothes and hopped in the shower. The hot water felt good on my sore muscles but it was not helping my nauseous belly. I only stayed in for a little bit before getting out and getting dressed. I threw a hat over my head knowing Lou would do my hair later. I laid down on the couch and let my tired eyes shut so I could fall back to sleep.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

                Liam woke me up and I stretched before getting out of bed. Louis was of course putting up a fight. I pulled back Niall's shade but he wasn't in bed. I walked out to the front finding him lying on the couch. He was already dressed so he must've gotten up a while ago but something didn't look quite right. I couldn't put my finger on it. The other two came out front and looked at Niall.

                "He's already dressed might as well let him sleep," Liam said making a pot of tea. I nodded and walked back over to them. I kept looking over at Niall though. Something just didn't feel right but I brushed it off and sat down with them to eat breakfast as we all took turns getting ready. When Niall started to move I looked over at him. He blinked his eyes a few times before turning to face us.

                "Morning," I smiled.

                "How long have you guys been up?" he asked sitting up slowly.

                "About an hour," Liam started. "We figured you were already dressed so we'd just let you sleep a bit longer."

                "Why were you up so early?" I asked him. He shrugged.

                "Couldn't sleep," he replied. I nodded a little. "How much longer until we get there?" He asked looking over at Liam.

                "We should be there shortly," Liam replied. Niall nodded.

                "You want some breakfast Niall?" I asked him. He paused for a minute before nodding. He got up slowly and came and sat down with us, grabbing a few pieces of toast and some cereal. He didn't say much after that. We sat around until we had reached the building our interview was being held and got off the bus. I noticed Niall was moving a lot slower than he normally did. I jogged up to him and walked beside him.

                "Hey," he smiled.

                "Nialler are you alright?" I asked. He kind of looked at me for a moment.

                "Yeah I'm fine, why?" he asked

                "You just don't seem like yourself today."

                "I told you guys I didn't sleep very well. I'm fine really." I looked at him skeptically before nodding. I didn't ask him any more questions. We walked into the building and got ready for the interview.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

                Harry was defiantly on to me. I just had to make it through the interview and I would be fine. I sat down in Lou's chair as she started doing my hair. I let my eyes shut and carefully put my hand on my bloated stomach.

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