Harry sick on tour

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(Liam's P.O.V.)

My alarm went off at 6:30 like it did every morning and I stretched and got out of bed. Louis was bunking with me in my room while Niall and Harry were next door. I walked over to Louis's bed and shook him a little.

"Lou," I whispered. "Louis wake up." He groaned and pulled the blankets over his head. "I'm going to wake the other two up. You better be up when I get back."

"Fuck you Payno," he called after me.

"Good morning to you too." I knocked on Harry and Niall's door until Harry answered. He looked tired and pale with dark circles under his eyes. Something didn't seem right.

"Morning," he said in his deep morning voice.

"You alright Haz? You look a bit under the weather." He shook his head.

"No I'm fine. I'll get Niall up." I nodded and let him be. I went back to my room and Louis was still in bed. No surprise there. I turned on the lights and opened the curtains letting as much light in as I could.

"Wakey wakey Louis," I cheered. He groaned.

"You are the worst kind of person Liam Payne." I smiled to myself. Louis was not a morning person.

"Get up we've got to get on the road." He rolled out of bed and started to get dressed. We got all our stuff together and headed down to the bus. Niall and Harry weren't far behind us. We set off to the next city were we had our next concert in a few days. Niall and Louis started to play FIFA while Harry and I sat up front for a while. He was more quiet then he normally was. I just had a feeling something was wrong.

"Get some!" Niall yelled.

"Game isn't over yet!" Louis yelled back. I chuckled a little. Harry's eyes were dull and glassy.

"Harry." He looked over at me. "Are you sure your feeling alright?" He looked at me for a moment before sighing.

"No," he admitted sadly. He looked over at the other two making sure they weren't paying attention. I got up and sat down next to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"My stomach is really upset," he told me. I put my hand on his head and he felt really hot.

"Haz I you've got a fever." He nodded slowly. "You feel really warm let me take your temperature." I got up and grabbed the thermometer out of the cabinet and stuck it in his mouth. Neither of the other two were paying any attention to us. When it beeped I took it out and read the numbers. "102.3. Haz that's pretty high already. How long have you been feeling ill?"

"Since last night."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I thought I could just sleep it off." He groaned and put his hand on his stomach.

"You alright buddy?" He shook his head and rushed into the bathroom. The other two boys looked up.

"Is he ok?" Niall asked.

"I don't think so," I replied following him into the bathroom. He was hunched over the toilet bowl with his eyes shut.

"Oh Harry," Niall said from behind me. I knelt down next to him and pulled back his hair getting it away from his sweaty face. He gagged over the bowl but didn't bring anything up. Louis was standing beside Niall in the doorway.

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