Oldest son sick at school (Niall)

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"Otto, buddy wake up," You said softly shaking your 16 year old son. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "Time for school pal. Get dressed." You walked out of the room and went to make breakfast. Oliver groaned as his head pounded. He pinch his temples trying to get the throbbing to stop. He sighed and stood up and got dressed for school. He walked downstairs and sat at the table with his two younger brothers who ate their breakfast.

"Hungry, Otto?" Niall asked looking at his son. Oliver nodded and grabbed himself a plate. The truth was he wasn't hungry at all. His head pounded and he knew if he spoke up you would want him to stay home from school. So he ate his breakfast in silence. After he was done he made his way to school where his girlfriend met him in the hallway.

"Oliver," she called running over to him. She kissed him and looked up at him. She realized right away something was wrong. "Oliver, what's wrong?"

"Just a headache Emma don't worry," he smiled. She looked him over and shook her head.

"I know better. Talk to me," she said softly.

"I'm not lying I've got a headache," Oliver said again.

"A bad one," Emma added.

"Yes, a bad one. But I'll be fine," he reassured her. She reached into her purse and pulled out some Advil.

"Here, at least take these," she said handing them to him. He smiled and accepted them. She kissed his cheek as the bell rang. "See you soon babe," she whispered.

"Thank you," Oliver replied. She smiled and walked into her classroom. He swallowed the pills and walked into his first class.

Oliver's headache was not getting better as the day went on. In fact, it was getting worse. The lights and sounds of the school day were slowly taking its toll on him. He sat down at the lunch table and put his head on the table. He soon felt a hand on his back.

"Otto," Emma said softly. He looked up at her and winced at the light. "You ok babe?"

"No," he whimpered softly. She sat down next to him.

"Is it getting worse?" She asked. He nodded.

"I feel sick," he groaned putting his head back down on the table. Emma rubbed up and down his back.

"Why don't I take you to the nurse? We can call your dad," Emma suggested. Oliver nodded. He stood up slowly and Emma led him down to the nurse. They walked in to the office and Oliver sat down. "Excuse me," Emma said softly.

"Yes dear, what can I do for you?" The nurse asked.

"Hi, I'm Emma Payne, my boyfriend Oliver Horan has a terrible migraine. He says he feels sick," Emma explained. The nurse came around the corner and looked at Oliver. She felt his head and checked him over.

"You feel sick, honey?" the nurse asked Oliver. He nodded putting his hand on his stomach. "Why don't we call your parents sweetie?" She asked.

"Emma," Oliver moaned.

"I'll call him," Emma pulled out her phone and dialed Niall's number. The nurse brought a trash can over and set it in front of Oliver who was rubbing his now very nauseous stomach.

"Emma?" Niall answered.

"Hi Uncle Ni," She said softly.

"What's going on love? Are you ok?" Niall asked

"Yeah I'm fine, Oliver is not though," She explained.

"Oliver? What's going on?"

"He's got a migraine and he feels sick. He can't stand the lights or sound. That's why I'm calling. We're in the nurse's office."

"Ok sweetie, tell him to hang tight. I'm on my way."

"OK, I will."

"Bye, love,"

"Bye." She hung up the phone and turned her attention back to Oliver. He had his eyes squeezed shut his hand on his stomach.

"Emma," he whimpered.

"Your dad is on his way Otto," she whispered sitting down next to him. He moaned and put his hand to his mouth. "Oliver?"

"I don't feel so good," he groaned opening his eyes to look at her. She picked up the trash can and handed it to him.

"It's ok Oliver. It's alright," she whispered to him. He gagged over the bin and groaned as he head pounded. "Shh, shh, it's ok," Emma soothed. Oliver gagged again as his mouth started to water.

"Emma," he cried.

"It's ok baby." Oliver began retching into the bin causing his head to pound painfully. Each retch was worse than the last. When he was done the nurse took the trash can and gave him some water. Niall came in to the room shortly after.

"Otto," he said softly. Oliver looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Let's get you home, son." Niall thanked Emma and took his son home. He gave him some migraine medicine and put him in bed making sure the room was as dark and quiet as possible.

"Dad," Oliver said as Niall was leaving the room.

"Yeah bud?"

"Thank you." Niall smiled.

"Of course buddy. Feel better." Niall shut the door behind him as he left the room. Oliver slept all the afternoon and felt good as new by the next morning.

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