Harry notices scars

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This was a request I got that I also feel needs a disclaimer because it has to potential to be a trigger. I started this several times then finally deiced to put it in my perspective because I felt that any other way could be harmful. I felt like Harry would react this way in a situation like this because I've read about him saying similar things in similar situations. It's short because this is a sensitive topic including for me and I didn't want to draw it out. With that being said enjoy it. 

Today was the day I had been waiting for. The boys were going to be in town for a meet and greet. I had a poster for them to sign and I was so excited. This was the only thing I had been looking forward to for a while. When I found out that the boys where coming to town I was overjoyed. I was until the kids are school started to tease me. They called me names and made fun of the boys. After weeks of the taunting I went home one day after school in tears. I threw my backpack on the ground and locked myself in the bathroom. I reached into the cabinet pulling out one of my dad's loose razor blade. I pulled up my sleeve exposing the other scares and pushed the razor down on my skin until I saw the familiar crimson liquid. I bit my lip stopping the tears from leaving my eyes. I wrapped my arm up and threw away the dirty blade and left the bathroom. No one knew about the cutting and I wasn't in any hurry to tell anyone. When I got dressed to go down to meet the boys I put on a sweatshirt that was a little too big so I would cover my wrists. I grabbed my poster and made my way to the store the boys were at. I wasn't surprised when saw the long line wrapping around the street. I sighed and got in the back of the line.

I wanted for hours but I was finally inside the store and I could see the boys. They were sitting at a table at the front of the store. I smiled when I saw them. In order it was Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry. I held my breath as I got closer to them. The guard that was standing right before I got to them took my poster and set it down on the table for them to sign. Niall looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello love." His voice was warm and friendly. I smiled.

"Hi," my voice was almost a whisper. I walked down the line and all the boys spoke to me and shook my hand. When I got to Harry he looked up and smiled.

"Hello," he smiled. I could only bring myself to wave. "How are you darling?"

"Good. How are you?" My hands were shaking.

"Good, I'm good." He reached out his hand for me to shake. I reached forward and took his hand. My sweatshirt had come up slightly of my wrist exposing my scars. Harry looked down and noticed them. Quickly I pulled my hand back.

"I..I'm sorry," I stuttered. Harry stood up and started to walk around the table.

"Mr. Styles sit down," one of the guards said trying to stop him. He pushed his way past the guard and over to me. My heart was beating out of my chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I broke down into tears and Harry held me tighter.

"Why?" he whispered.

"People make fun of me because I like you guys. You're my hero," I cried. I lifted my head to look at him then kissed my cheek.

"No, sweetheart you're my hero." He wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled at me. "You stay strong, for me."

"I love you so much," I whispered.

"I love you more. Don't worry about those others. You mean the world to us." I nodded. He sat back down behind the table and signed my poster when I got home I hung it up and my wall. That was the first chance I had to look at what Harry had writing on my poster.

Stay strong, you're beautiful and perfect just how you are.

All the Love



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