Harry Stomach Flu

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This was a special request for Tania @JustAnotherFanGirl45 Hope you enjoy it.

Harry woke up with an ache in his stomach. He looked over at the clock and saw it was only 4am. He groaned and rolled over in bed. He looked at his girlfriend Tania and smiled. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and closed his eyes. By the time Tania woke up at 7 he was sound asleep again. She got up slowly and started getting herself ready for work. When she came back into the room she saw he was still asleep. That's strange. He always got up right after her. She walked over to him and shook him a little.

"Harry?" she whispered. Harry opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Hey sunshine," she said softly. He smiled up at her.

"Morning," he replied.

"You never sleep in. You alright?" Tania asked.

"Yeah, just overslept I guess," Harry answered getting out of bed. He walked into the bathroom and got in the shower. He actually felt awful. He knew that if he told Tania she would call off work to stay home with him and he knew that she had an important meeting today. He got dressed and walked downstairs and grabbed himself a cup of tea.

"You hungry Hazza?" Tania asked. Harry shook his head.

"Running late," he lied. "I'll grab something at the studio." He kissed Tania and left. He made his way to the studio and met up with the boys. His head as started to hurt which just made his stomach hurt more.

"Hey Haz," Louis said greeting him at the door.

"Morning Lou," Harry said quietly. Liam and Niall looked at each other as Harry sat down.

"You alright Harry?" Niall asked. Harry shook his head.

"Not feeling too well," he admitted.

"Why'd you come in then mate?" Louis asked sitting down next to him.

"I didn't want Tania to call off today. She's got a big meeting she's been preparing for," Harry explained.

"Think you'll be alright?" Liam asked. Harry shrugged.

"You know you can leave whenever you need," Niall told him. Harry nodded.

"Alright mate. Let us know if you need anything," Liam instructed. That sat around throwing around song ideas and Harry's stomachache made him feel nauseous. He felt a sticky sweat break out on his head and it sent a shiver down his spin. The other boys had taken notice of Harry's now pale completion.

"Haz," Louis whispered. Harry looked up at him. "You alright?" Harry shook his head.

"Feeling really nauseous," Harry told them.

"Why don't you head home, Haz. You need to rest," Liam told him. Harry reluctantly agreed.

"Do you need one of us to drive you?" Niall asked. Harry shook his head.

"No, I think I'll be alright," Harry told him standing up.

"Call if you need anything," Louis told him. Harry nodded and left the studio. He sat in his car a while watching for the sick feeling in his stomach to pass. When he was ok to drive he headed home. He walked into the house and crawled into bed. He thought for a moment about calling Tania but decided not to. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

When Tania pulled into the driveway she saw Harry's car was already there. He was never home before her. She walked quickly into the house looking around for her boyfriend.

"Harry," she called. No answer. She walked around the house looking Harry, becoming more frantic when she couldn't find him. "Harry!" she called out again. Still no answer. She walked upstairs to the bedroom. "Harry," she called out one last time.

"Tania," she finally heard a replied. It came from the bathroom. Without hesitation she walked in. Harry was sitting in front of the toilet. His eyes were red and puffy his face was pale and sweaty. He looked up at her sadly.

"Oh Haz," she said softly. She walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Are you alright sweetie?" Harry shook his head.

"I'm sick to my stomach, I feel like I need to throw up but I haven't yet," Harry explained. Tania brushed the hair out of Harry's face.

"Poor baby," she whispered. Harry turned and gagged over the toilet but nothing came up. "Harry have you eaten anything today?" Tania asked rubbing his back. Harry shook his head. "Babe, there's nothing in your stomach to bring up," she said softly. She got up and looked for something to help settle Harry's stomach. She came back with a cup of minty pink liquid. "Here Harry," she said. He drank it and handed the cup back. "How bout I take you to bed?" Harry nodded. She helped him stand and lead him to bed. She crawled into bed with him and cuddled up to him. "Why didn't you call me?" she asked rubbing her fingers threw Harry's hair.

"I knew you had that meeting today. I didn't want you to miss it," Harry told her. She kissed his head.

"Well I'm home now, rest." Harry sighed and shut his eyes. Tania didn't leave his side until he was feeling better several days later.

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