** Authors Note**

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Hello all my lovely My Chilhood Bestie is the Biggest Jerk readers. This is a short note to inform all you guys that I am changing the title of this story to 'His Playboy Ways'. Reason being because I have slightly changed the story line than what initially planned for it to be. Don't worry it's no major change, I just decided to NOT depict Mason's character as a major jerk like I initially wanted.

Hope you all enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing for you. The next update would be up soon.

P.S. if any of you are creative I'd appreciate if you could make banners or even a trailer maybe..

Also if any of you have any questions regarding the story or about anything at all please do feel free to PM me, some ask me on the comments thread, and sometimes I forget to reply then feel horrible, if you message me there will be a guarantee for me answering you guys. PM me even if you just feel like chatting, I love getting to know all my wonderful readers. : )

Anyway please do vote, fan and comment.

Lots of love



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