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Where was Mason? I was running late for school and since Liam was back at college and my car still in the process of getting repaired I was to travel with Mason until my car came back. I doubted if Liam was even still around he'd give me a ride considering ever since last week he wasn't speaking to me, I guess he was still mad at me. I understood why but I harmed Nicole and she easily forgave me she even tried placating Liam but he was too mad to even hear what she had to say. One thing was for sure, I was terribly wrong about Nicole she was really the older sister I've never had and I was easily warming up to her and I was sure to miss her now that she was gone back to college.

"What are you still doing here? Aren't you going to be late?" My mom walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Mason!" I grumbled before adding after sipping on my juice. "The idiots late!"

My mom leaned over the counter standing opposite me with a grin and I rolled my eyes because I knew that look, she wanted to speak about my boyfriend. I hated that Mason and I were still a couple because it was seriously getting sickening with all the looks I've been getting especially at school since our one month anniversary was in a weeks' time, people were asking if we took our relationship to the 'next level' already. I almost threw up every time someone asked me that.

"Mom don't start." I warned her.

She looked at me innocently. "I said nothing I just smiled at you."

"Really? Because I can see how desperate you are to know about Mason and me." I asked and couldn't help the grin. It was times like this I enjoyed, when my mom would actually have time to speak to me even if it was about my so-called boyfriend she was showing some interest in my life and I liked that.

"Fine you caught me, but is it wrong to want to know what's happening in my daughters love life?" she asked.

I wanted to laugh. "In any other normal teenage girls life, yes it would be very wrong but I don't mind." I genuinely smiled.

"Well? What has been happening? Aren't you guys dating for two months now or something?" she asked looking curious.

This time I did laugh. "It's only been three weeks; next week will be exactly a month mom. Thanks for keeping track though."

"Sorry dear, I just always saw him around since you arrived, I instantly knew he had a thing for you from the way he looked at you at the dinner."

I almost choked on my juice. My mom looked into things far too much, the first time she saw Mason was when I found out he was in fact my childhood friend after the dinner we hosted. At that time I basically hated Mason and I was sure he didn't like me very much either because when I arrived back we had our fair share of differences, thinking of all that seems like such a long time ago. Speaking of a long time, Mason was taking an awfully long time to pick me up today I hope he's alright and hasn't died or anything on his way or even worse forgot about picking me up because if he forgot I was sure to murder him with my bare hands.

"Mom you're overlooking things, Mason was just a friend then, things changed shortly after that and I guess-"

"How about we carry this conversation on for later? I have to hit the shower and then after sending your dad off to work I have to meet up with the ladies for tea." My mom cut me off.

"Sure." I half smiled and watched her walk off after she kissed my cheek and rushed upstairs. I was used to this kind of thing; as soon as my parents showed some interest in my life I would get happy but just like that my mood would drop because they'd leave our conversations midway, always having something or the other to do.

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