Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra

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A little something for all of you who are so curious to what happened to Damien, this is set two years after Damien left Carly in the hospital. Enjoy : )

Damien's POV

"Another one sir?" the barmaid asked, holding a bottle of scotch in her hand.

"Yeah why not." I said after a moment of consideration.

She poured the drink in my glass but I noticed it was just a single. "Make it a double."

"That would be your third double, you sure you'll still be able to drive home?" she asked.

"I'm sure."

"Alright, I just work here." She mumbled and poured the drink.

I took a sip of the golden colored liquid and looked around the little pub that was situated about thirty minutes away from my penthouse. Perhaps the barmaid was right, I shouldn't be driving while under the influence but to be honest, I didn't really feel drunk at all. Maybe my body was accustomed to the alcohol now that three double scotches had no effect on me, I wouldn't be very surprised if that was the case; alcohol was my only friend.

As I took another sip from my drink I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was an email from Monica my personal assistant, I opened the email and it was a brief one to remind me about a meeting tomorrow morning and I should enjoy the rest of my evening.

Meetings, conferences, paperwork, deals, sign this and sign that, that's pretty much been my life for the past couple of years. I had a routine, wake up, get ready, go to work, find a nearby bar, drink to my heart's content, have dinner, go back home, sleep and the next day the cycle started again. At first it didn't seem all too bad, because despite the monotonous routine of every day, every now and again I'll find an attractive lady and for one night my attention would be diverted for those couple of hours until the next morning when she'd leave and I just never found any of those women worthy of being called again, I guess they weren't and probably would never be Car... her.

I shook away all those thoughts, I never understood why people said that alcohol made you forget the painful past and memories attached to them but all it really did was make them resurface and seem fresh and new, it didn't drown sorrows but instead it just floated them to the surface.

"Hey Bridgette." An overly cheery voice broke away my thoughts.

I didn't really pay attention to the girl or the barmaid - whose name I just realized was Bridgette but the voice that belonged to the cheery voice was just too loud to completely ignore.

"Isn't it your night off?" Bridgette asked.

"Yeah but aren't I allowed to come say hi when I was in the area?"

"Of course." Bridgette chortled. "Can I get you anything?"

"Nah, maybe just water... it is still free right?"

"Such a cheapskate." Bridgette mumbled.

"Hey it's called being economical." The girl called after Bridgette but Bridgette was already at the other end of the bar.

"Am I right?" it took me a moment before I realized that she was talking to me.

Placing my phone on the counter I turned my neck around and glanced at the girl. I noticed her hair was long and brunette framing around her small face and her eyes were a bright hue of hazel-green, she was attractive I had to admit.

"Hello?" I blinked when she waved her hand in front of my face. "If you're done checking me out maybe you can answer my question."

"You're wrong." I simply answered.

His Playboy WaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang