Making it Memorable

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"Knock, knock." Liam said knocking on my bedroom door, peeking his head through.

If I was in better spirits I would've taunted my brother about finally gaining manners and knocking on my bedroom door before entering but I wasn't in the mood for teasing or even talking anyone.

I didn't answer him but instead sat cross legged on my bed, aimlessly gazing at nothing in particular.

"Okay." He sighed. "I'll take that as a come in."

Liam casually strolled over to my bed and sat at the edge and when I looked at him I noticed him carrying a plate of pasta. He extended his arm, handing me the pasta. "I brought up your lunch...again."

I took the plate from him and placed it on my side pedestal. "Thanks."

"I did bring it for you to eat, not to decorate your room." Liam said.

I leaned over, grabbed a forkful and placed it in my mouth. "Again, thanks." I said flatly after swallowing down the food.

I turned my attention away from my brother - who was seemingly finding it entertaining to study my features - and looked at nothing in particular again.

"So." Liam began. "You gonna miss this room, remember how much of an effort it took to renovate it last September?"

I shrugged. "I still have a little over two months to live in it."

"Is that why you're keeping yourself locked in here? You want to spend as much time with your room as possible before you're off to college?"

I frowned and looked at Liam. "I don't know what you're trying to say."

"It's quite simple actually, not at all hard to understand." Liam stated matter-of-factly. "I mean you haven't left this room over the past three weeks, if it's not bonding time then I don't know what is."

I remained quiet. Liam sighed frustratingly. "You really don't get what I'm trying to say do you?"

"That's what I said didn't I?"

I watched as an emotion like anger, frustration, annoyance and concern in one flashed through my brother's eyes and if I didn't know him better, I could tell he would angrily lash out at me but he decided to do otherwise and instead took in a deep breath.

"Carly," he began calmly. "It's been three weeks, how much longer are you going to drown yourself in sorrow?"

Liam was right it had been three weeks since Grandpa Mitch's death and what a slow, drag of a three weeks it had been. I knew I wasn't myself but I just didn't feel in the mood to act happy and cheery when my mind kept on playing back all the memories I had with Grandpa Mitch. I always knew I cared immensely for Grandpa Mitch but I didn't realize just how attached I'd grown to him until now - after his death.

"I'm not drowning myself in sorrow, I'm just not in the mood lately...that's all." I muttered sheepishly.

"That's the crappiest excuse I've ever heard!" Liam snapped.

I was slightly startled with his tone and I think Liam caught on because he looked at me apologetically. "Look Carly, I'm - we're all just worried about you...we want you to be normal again, to go out and enjoy summer and not suffocate yourself in this room."

"I don't feel suffocated."

Liam huffed and looked exasperated. "You're going to fall into a depression if you remain like this."

"This is just like Gramps all over again." he muttered. "What's going to happen next after your isolation? You're going to start partying and drinking again, like how you dealt with Gramps death in New York?" Liam asked sharply.

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