Stuck In The Past

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Dedicated to my fellow dork and absolutely sweet friend weirdork21 :)


"Carly!" a distant voice shouted but I ignored it.

"Forever...a long...time."

"Carly!" the voice was coming closer.

The image that I could see was vanishing and I was moving, or more like shaking, no someone was shaking me. "Carly, get up!" the voice shouted so loud I flinched and my eyes opened.

I was greeted by two big green eyes. I squinted and took in those eyes; I knew those eyes, very well actually. "Morning sunshine."

"Ugh, go away." I whined and turned to my side.

"Oh no you don't, it was a mission to get you up, I am not going through that again!" I felt my arm being pulled and if I planned on keeping my limbs, I had no other choice but to get up.

I sat up straight on the couch and rubbed my eyes. "I hate you." I said with narrowed eyes to the person who so kindly awoke me.

"Aw, I love you too babe."

"Remind me why I still tolerate you?" I asked after letting out a yawn.

"Because apart from the fact that I am a fabulous roommate, I also happen to help you keep track of time, if you look clearly it's seven thirty."

I looked at the clock on the wall and my eyes widened. "Shoot!" I cursed and abruptly stood up. "I'm going to be late!" I mumbled and ran off to my room.

"Carly..." I heard my annoying roommates voice call after me but I ignored it and rushed into my bathroom.

After my super-shower I dressed and made my way to the kitchen. "I think I just broke the record for the quickest shower ever." I said opening the fridge to look for something quick to nibble on.

"Carly," my annoying roommate casually said, "Remind me just what are you late for again?"

I looked up from the fridge to see Sam - my annoying roommate - looking at me with her piercing green eyes that were hidden under her long bangs and thick eyeliner, sitting casually at the island with an apple in her hand. "Sam," I began sweetly, "unlike you, I actually attend those things called classes and I don't like to be late. Every lecture is important."

"But-" Sam began but I cut her off, "I'm already late." I said and grabbed a granola bar.

Sam sighed. "Alright, you want some coffee?"

I was about to say yes please but thought otherwise. "You made it?"

She smiled. "Of course."

"Then I'd take a pass, I actually like my coffee to taste like coffee and not dishwashing-water."

I grabbed my sling bag from the counter and a thick textbook. "Thanks for waking me up on time. You're the best." I smiled at Sam and headed for the front door.

"Carly, just so you know I think you've officially lost your mind." Sam called after me as I dashed through the front door.

I made my way down the corridor and just as I was about to take the turn towards the elevator Sam called after me, "Carly!"

I turned around and saw her lazily walk up to me, her black hair with tints of purple, blue and red blowing in the wind. I gave her an impatient look and she stopped walking and stood a good few feet away from me, "Okay, I actually ran after you so you owe me big time."

"What is it Sam?"

"At first it was fun to see you go completely crazy but after that little compliment I felt a tad bit bad so I thought what the hell I might as well-"

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