All Grown Up

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Dedicated to different_girl_ for being an amazing supporter and sweet person :)

'Click' I heard the shutting of the front door of my apartment.

"Home at last." Sam sighed throwing her purse on the couch opposite to where I was sitting. "And what a day it has been." She added to herself.

I glanced at my watch then back at her. "You're home early, weren't you supposed to only be back at four?"

"Yeah but I told them I wasn't feeling well and got off early." She replied causally with a shrug of her shoulders. "Smart aren't I?" she grinned smugly.

"I prefer the term fraudulent or to be subtle, liar." I stated.

Sam rolled her eyes then gave me a pointed look. "What about you? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?"

"I'm on call tonight so I don't start until much later." I replied.

"Then what are you doing here sitting in this apartment when you can be out and about on this lovely summer's day? It's almost illegal to be inside on a day like this."

"A day like this?" I asked. "Samantha, yes its fairly warm outside but it's not hot enough to go sunbathing by the pool, I wouldn't go sunbathing any day in England."

"Oh please, it's a scorcher outside, perfect to flaunt those legs and go outdoors. You might be a Californian girl and I know our summers don't match to your home ones but I'd think living here for six years now, you'd be a little more habitude to England and our weather." Sam said.

"Six or sixty years in the UK and I'll always miss the Californian sun." I sighed.

"Tut, tut Carly, you still love it here that's why you're still living in this country." Sam retorted.

I was about to say something but Sam cut me off when she tilted her head to the side and looked past my shoulder, "Oh hello gorgeous, I almost didn't see you there." she waved her fingers to Damien who was sitting very silently next to me.

Damien smiled politely. "Hey Sam, I didn't want to interrupt your...conversation."

"Oh even if you did I wouldn't have minded, Carly's voice can become very monotonous at times, I'd much rather hear you speak." Sam winked.

"Now that you put it that way I understand, Carly's voice does become..." Damien trailed off when I raised a brow at him daring him to continue.

Damien looked at me innocently. "What I meant was that your voice is gruffer than the average girl and it's hard on the ears, poor Sam lives with you and-" Damien was cut off when I playfully elbowed him in the ribs.

"And you're violent." He groaned rubbing over his chest.

"I never knew you had a kinky side Carly." Sam drawled with a grin.

"Or an abusive one." Damien muttered earning himself another elbowed rib.

"Aw while you two wrestle, I'm going to get out of these uncomfortable clothes and take a much needed cold shower." Sam said before fluttering her lashes at Damien, "Care to join me?"

"Maybe another time." Damien grinned but I could see through his discomfort. "I don't really like cold showers, well especially not here. I'm a Californian guy you see." He added.

"With you, the shower is bound to be hot." Sam winked at him.

Damien shifted in his seat. "Er...thanks?" I held back my threatening laughter. After all these years Damien still wasn't used to Sam's harmless flirting.

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