Coming Clean

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"You okay?" I asked Liam as we pulled up the front of my school.

"For the millionth time yes!" Liam sighed turning to look at me.

I flashed a sympathetic small smile, "Sorry, I'm just not used to a very quiet Liam. I guess I miss you."

Liam smiled at me but I knew it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm all good Carls. Now go before you get late."

"Okay I'll see you later." I smiled and got off.

"Oh Carly, if it's okay can you maybe get a ride with Amber or Mason after school? I have something to do in the afternoon and I doubt I'd make it in time." Liam called after me as I was about to enter the school building.

I sighed but reluctantly nodded anyway and Liam drove off. It has been a good few days since Liam and Nicole broke up but Liam looked to be getting more and more depressed with each growing day, instead of forgetting about her he was mourning her loss. Liam has never been this sad over a breakup ever. Liam also thought that Mason and I had made up and were still a happy couple but he had no idea how wrong he actually was. Mason had been pretty much ignoring me all week; it was as if I didn't exist. But right now worrying about Mason's cold shoulder towards me was the least of my worries I needed a ride home since Liam couldn't pick me up and his now ex-girlfriend crashed mine.

I spotted Amber in the school hallway by her locker and I thought I'd ask her. "Morning Ambs." I greeted with smile.

"Hey, hey Carls." She greeted back in her overly cheery voice and broad smile. I had no idea where she got all her energy from.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favour."

"Sure, anything, what's up?"

"I kind of need a ride after school today only if it's okay with you?"

"Yeah sure." She replied with a smile and pulled out her phone.

"Who are you texting this early?" I asked as her fingers were moving at lightening pace typing away.

"Um I just need to inform my coach that I'd be late for gymnastics practice." She answered not looking away from her phone screen.


"Because she'd get mad as hell if I'm late and I didn't have the courtesy to inform her." Amber replied.

"No I mean why would you be late?" I asked.

"Oh because I have to drop you off home then come back to school for practice, not that it's a problem because she'll understand."

"You know what? Forget about the ride, I'll just call Liam. I didn't want to bother him that's why I asked but you have practice and I know you have a competition coming up soon so I don't want to jeopardize that because I don't feel like riding with my broody brother." I lied to Amber because I felt bad for making her shift her schedule around for me and considering that she so willingly agreed would make me feel worse. I could always walk home, even though it was a fairly long walk, the exercise would do good.

"Are you sure?" Amber asked as we walked over to my locker.

"Yup." I smiled opening my locker and shoving my cardigan in.

"You know you can always ask Mason if you really don't feel like going with Liam." Amber drawled. I knew what direction this conversation was heading to because anyone had to be blind to not notice the tension between Mason and I. Amber vaguely tried asking all week but every time she brought Mason up I instantly changed the subject. It wasn't as if I was hurt because of Mason's distance from me because I wasn't, his words were more hurtful from our argument and the more I thought of it the more I couldn't help but see how much sense he made. Was I going back to my old ways?

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