Why So Distant Mr Playboy?

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One month. It's been one whole month since winter break was over and we were back at school; meaning it was the beginning of February and also a whole month since Mason has been strangely distant towards me.

I couldn't understand what caused his sudden change in behaviour but I knew it happened as soon as we got back at school because before that he was perfectly normal with me. After thanksgiving we hung out as usual then came Christmas and the winter break, during that he was fine too. Although I hardly saw him during the break other than the eve of Christmas Eve- when we exchanged gifts.

I sat aimlessly on the school's steps, looking at the many students pile into the school grounds. Thanks to having my car back I could get to school early instead of waiting for Mason who was always so late, I literally just made it time before the bell rang.

But that was changed since a week after the winter break, I had gotten my wheels back and I was finally independent again.

I aimlessly played with the pendant that sat on a silver chain around my neck, remembering how I got it.

**Flashback to the eve of Christmas Eve**

"Okay now are you ready to exchange gifts?" Mason asked putting aside his now empty bowl as we sat in our usual spot, my bedroom balcony.

I put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and after swallowing the delicious cream I spoke. "Gifts are to be exchanged on Christmas day not two days prior."

Mason rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to explain that I won't be here on Christmas morning? I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Australia with my Gramps. It's tradition that we spend Christmas in a different country every year."

"I know but how many times do I have to explain that Christmas is the time to be around family not in some foreign country." I said.

"Gramps is the only family I have." Mason muttered grabbing my ice cream filled bowl from my hand.

I felt bad for him because I knew he was right. Mason's dad was going to be out of the country for some business or something and his mom well, would probably be spending Christmas with the Brinson's; according to Mason she's grown really close to Damien and his dad and even often spent nights there.

I peeked at him from under my lashes. "What about me?" I asked.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I told you to join us but you're adamant not to."

"I know but I can't leave my family, it's Christmas and I don't know how many more Christmas's I'd get to s-"

I was cut off when Mason put a hand over my mouth. "Don't finish that. You heard what the doctors Gramps called in said, they said you're going to be fine if you live healthily-meaning physically, emotionally and mostly mentally."

I nodded then pointed at his hand over my mouth, gesturing him to remove it. "Thanks." I smiled when he removed his hand. Then I slapped him across the arm. "Don't touch my mouth ever again. God knows where your hands have been." I scolded.

Mason smirked at me, and then gently grasped my neck, tilting it backwards before rubbing over not only my mouth but my entire face with his free hand. "Mason! You Jerk!" I said twisting my head form left to right.

Mason let me go and I blew a loose strand of hair that was over my eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed in annoyance. "I hate you!" I sneered between clenched teeth.

Mason smirked at me in response. "Every time you tell me not to touch you and criticize the hygiene of my hands I will do that to you." he said arrogantly then added mostly under his breath. "To think she'd learnt back at the clothing store." I remembered that day, it was the day I went to buy my school uniform and I was terrified of going into the changing room to try on my uniform but after my mom convinced me to go in I remember hearing very disturbing sounds from the neighbouring changing room. I thought it was some murderer until I later found out it was Mason-the player up to his famous tricks in there.

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