Chapter 8

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Daniel POV

Unfortunately for me, I didn't have any money, and of course, the man's car had the gas light on. I wondered if he had hurt my mom, and I started getting worried. I'd left her by herself at the house with some random creep she'd probably only known for an half an hour... Right after I'd stolen his car.

She would've done the same to you.

I started driving slower to avoid getting a ticket, but the car slowed down a lot more. I pushed the pedal further down and nothing.

No no no no no.

I was out of gas. I got off the highway and just managed to pull the car over next to the sidewalk. It was a bad parking job, but I didn't care. I wouldn't be the one with the ticket.

Where am I supposed to go?

I tossed the keys in the car then locked it from the inside. It was useless now and if I kept driving, the cops would definitely bust me.

Feeling hopeless, I started walking to a nearby liquor store and took in my surroundings. I had only driven for about 45 minutes outside of Oklahoma City. It didn't look too different, only the buildings looked a bit more renovated. I finally reached a nearby liquor store and went to talk to the cashier. He had a grouchy demeanor and looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"Hey, are there any hotels near here?" I asked, feeling awkward. He looked at me and sighed.

"You're not buying anything?" He said, sounding annoyed.

"No, I'm looking for a hotel." My face reddened in embarrassment.

There's one about three miles that way." He pointed, looking sour.

I thanked him and started walking to where he had directed me, looking around. I patted my pockets but realized I didn't have my wallet on me. My heart sank and I stopped in my tracks, letting out an angered sigh.

My phone buzzed and I saw that I had a missed call.

Oh. Ethan...

I read the text from him that he had sent earlier that said he was coming over... Which meant he would be at my house... oh no...

What if the shithead is pointing a gun at the door waiting for me to come back? What if he shot Ethan?! Wait... Ethan just called me.

I felt ridiculous. I pulled out my phone and called Ethan, who answered halfway through the first ring.

"Hello?" His voice sounded worried and hopeful. I immediately felt guilt creep over me. After all he had done for me, I couldn't even reply to his text? How had I not seen it?

"Hey, sorry I just saw you called-"

"Where are you?" I felt a bit of guilt,

"I don't really know about 45 minutes from the city. The car I was using broke down."

"Thats okay, tell me the names of some buildings around you and I'll come get you."

I tried but my voice wouldn't stop shaking for some reason and I felt like I was about to cry. I stopped talking.

"Daniel?" I quickly hung up and texted him the names of the buildings around me. He didn't need to hear me cry. Again.

Ethan POV

When Daniel hung up I was anxious, until he sent me a text with some building names that were familiar. I was pretty sure Fox and I had gone there for some big drug deal that we'd gotten almost a years rent from. I kept texting Daniel on the way to make sure he was still there. When I got off the highway, I immediately saw the black BMW parked carelessly by the sidewalk.

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