Chapter 35

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Daniel POV

My mind was fuzzy and all I could sense was Ethan. His hands were grabbing my skin, his arms pulling me in. I tried to retain control of my breathing. He softly bit my lower lip and I gasped, my mouth opening slightly. He moved even closer to me and pushed me further back, my arm wrapped around his back, feeling his muscles. The hot water was consuming us but it had a sense of comfort—

The door to the porch opened and I snapped back to reality. Ethan and I broke apart and saw one of the girls from earlier standing at the door, looking shocked.

"S-sorry! I just forgot my phone..." her face blushed furiously and she quickly bent over and snatched her phone from the ground and turned around. Max suddenly appeared at the door seemingly out of breath.

"Ava wait—" he saw me and Ethan, still close together. Ethan had a small smirk on his face and I looked away, trying to save myself the embarrassment of looking at their reactions. Ava hurriedly walked away apologizing one more time. Max followed her, after giving us an exiting grin.

"Ughhhhh," I made an incoherent sound and crossed my arms, sinking deeper into the hot tub. Ethan laughed and gently grabbed my arm.

"Wanna go in?" He asked, his voice was still deeper than usual. I avoided his eyesight. How am I supposed to act now?

"Uh, yeah sure." I weakly got out of the jacuzzi and grabbed one of the dry towels Carmen had left us earlier. I slid my shirt back on once I was dry and gazed at Ethan as he did the same. He caught my stare and I looked away awkwardly. Max suddenly reappeared at the door,

"Well since you two seem to be done—"

"—Max shut up—"

"With the jacuzzi, might as well come inside, we're arguing over movies and need a tiebreaker or two..." I glared at him.

We followed Max inside. My heart was pounding after the kiss with Ethan. I heard Max ask me a question, but my mind was too preoccupied to hear what it was. I looked over to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna get some water..." I said to him, and gave a quick glance at Ethan. He seemed to be his normal self and gave me a casual grin. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. I turned around and cursed when I saw Max leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, smirking.

"Soooo?" He asked me, the smug look on his face wasn't leaving. I rolled my eyes.

"So... what?" His smile widened.

"Soooo, how was it?"

" Oh my god shut up Max!" I said for the second time, frantically looking around me. Ethan had gone to the living room.

"Whaat? You're welcome by the way." I glared at him.

"Yeah thanks for having zero subtlety at all." He smiled.

"It worked though," I shook my head and started to leave the kitchen, but he grabbed my arm.

"—Wait, let's celebrate!" He conjured up a bottle of tequila, holding it in front of him like a prize.

"Ew Max, I'm not drinking straight tequila I'll throw up." He shrugged and went to Carmen's fridge, looking through it. He pulled out a large container of maraschino cherries marinated in grenadine, and a bottle of orange juice.

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