Chapter 43

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A/N Everyone this is the second to last chapter! I realize I've been updating you all on the progress through my profile and not through the story, so sorry if this is a surprise! <3

Daniel POV

"Which image best describes how you feel?" I stared at the chart showing cartoon faces, ranging in emotions from smiling and happy to crying with a red glow on its forehead.

Not this again.

I glared up at Dr. Martinez. How was I supposed to rank my pain realistically to a cartoon? Had the cartoon ever been shot in the head and lost bits of its brain? I didn't think so.

"The worst one."

Dr. Martinez frowned, looking at the chart and pointing his finger to the cartoon face all the way on the right.

"This one?"

"Yup." He sighed and put the chart down.

"Daniel, I understand you're frustrated, but has it gotten any better?" I shrugged and stayed silent, staring at the door. I was waiting for Ethan to return, he'd gone to get me a cup of ice.

"Let's try this, on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst you've felt since you've woken up, where are you now?" I felt myself getting frustrated and took a few deep breaths.

"Seven." Just go away. His eyebrows drew close together and he nodded, grabbing his clipboard.

"Buzz me if you need anything, otherwise I'll come back in an hour to see if you need any more morphine."

I said nothing as he left. Ever since I'd woken up I felt... empty.

Empty and angry.

Angry that I was in constant pain. The morphine wasn't enough but they wouldn't give me anything stronger. I was also starting to feel like it didn't do much anymore, but when I didn't get any, the pain got worse. They'd given me higher and higher doses until I reached the limit. But it just kept the pain the same.

I was also on antibiotics, to prevent an infection in my brain. They told me I was lucky I hadn't gotten one as soon as I'd been shot, and that would've almost definitely killed me at the time. Luckily, the chances of me getting one were getting smaller and smaller by the day.

I'd gotten visitors. Max, Leah, Carmen and some others I'd met at her party. Ethan's roommates came and hung out a lot.

My mom hadn't come. And I had a feeling she wouldn't.

But she wasn't going to forget about me that easily. I'd learned that because I was a minor, the hospital bills were my legal guardians responsibility, not mine. The doctor told me that if she didn't contact them within a month to provide insurance, they'd have to send her the full medical bill. If she didn't pay that within the next month, they'd send the bill to a collections agency, and her credit would effectively be ruined.

While it didn't bring me joy to hear, it did give me hope that I might get to say goodbye to her, before she disappeared.

The beeping from the monitor brought me out of my thoughts and I felt the dull ache in my head pick up with each obnoxious beep. I clenched my fists, feeling an urge to jump out of the bed and smash it with the nearby chair so I could just have some silence.

I wouldn't have been able to though. I hadn't been able to walk on my own yet. Dr. Martinez said it could be a while before that happened.

The door opened and I saw Ethan come in, holding a cup of ice in one hand and a container of something else in the other. He looked at me apologetically. I scrunched my face up.

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