who is he?

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"assalamualikum mairuu!!!I'll be going to the grocery now,I'm leaving the key at rukhsana's. As soon as you reach home please freshen up drink tea ,walk on the treadmill and have bath. You're not a kid anymore mairuu , I can't keep reminding like this once your married!!",said my stereotypical mum, who was really concerned the way I sit,stand ,walk or dress up as I turned twenty this year.

As per the typical norms of the society, I need to look presentable at all times when unexpected guests arrive as the ladies want this 'perfect girl' for their son.

"walikum Salam mama!and yes I will freshen up ,exercise and have bath as part of my personal health and hygiene and not for any other reasons, okay?I know why you want me all decked up, but I want a mother in law who would accept me for who I am and not someone who would want a barbie doll in the form of her daughter in law so that she could flaunt around." , I replied mentally rolling my eyes.

"Oh my Allah !!! what do I do with this girl!you can't talk like this with her okay ?she will complain later on saying that I haven't taught you how to respect elders.", mum freaked out like I'd actually back fire at my imaginary mum in law .

"Okay MOM!! -can we like stop arguing about my imaginary mother in law?I don't have one yet. When I have I will respect In sha Allah .Don't worry mama...I will never let you down...come back as soon as possible...take care..assalamualikum"

"walikum salam"

As I reached home I did as mom instructed me to do. Later I'm the evening,  I was preparing dinner in the kitchen and all of a sudden I heard someone open the main door. I had a knife in my hand as I was chopping onions. When I slowly walked towards the edge of the kitchen door and peeped.

"aaaahhh!!!phew....alhamdulillah....bhai this is not fair okay?you can't play the same prank all the time...and why on earth do I get tricked again and again ..ugghhh!!!you realize I might get a heart failure someday bcz of this stupid prank??", I almost yelled with my hands on the hips while he was laughing his heart out.

"humaira!!!what are you even saying?heart failure ?seriously?hahahaha! it's just my timing and acting skills you know ?can't really blame you for getting scared!!I am so good at it..and what is special for dinner?please tell me it's chicken...I had a good one hour work out at the gym..I am hungry!!",said jaafar ,my elder brother who is 2 years elder to me and who is a total narcissist.

"I thought of preparing cheesy chicken lasagne for dinner...okay?"

"aaaahhh!!!!my stomach is growling with hunger at the thought of eating it...you're the best mairaaa!!!I'll quickly go to the masjid for maghreb prayers okay?"

"after dinner we'll be leaving to kunhimas place...so please come back early."
"sure mairuu..I'll leave now. assalamualikum."

I replied to his salam and spread our respective prayer mats to offer the maghreb prayers in congregation.

we read Qur'an for some time and I went back to the kitchen to continue preparing. When I was done baking someone rang the door bell.I fixed my hijab and opened the door to find jaafar bhai with his eyes closed.

"what's up with you now ??why have you closed your eyes?",I asked confused looking at his expression.

"humairaa! !!your too good sis.I am just trying control my hunger pangs. The aroma of the lasagne could be felt from the parking lot. Aaah!!!please serve it right away"

"hahaha!!!joker. You didn't have to do all that bhai.come in, even mamma was waiting for you.Let's leave as soon as we have dinner"

After having dinner we offered Isha prayers and mama asked us to hurry up as we were leaving to my aunts place(dad's sis).It has become a protocol now that every alternate day we go there.It's been a year since dad  moved to dubai to set a new business .

So the alternate visits has turned into twice a week. I wore my abaya and fixed my hijab .As we three walked towards the car jaafar bhai grinning for no reason at all.

"mamma!!why do I feel bhai wants to tell you something?look at him. or may be it's the effect of my lasagne that has still put him I'm the trance state..haha.."

"yes mamma!!my Lil sis has grown up now.she reads my expressions very well.I wanted to tell you that humaira has got a proposal.His name is zayed..",said jafar showing his 32 teeth.

"why do you look so excited bhai ?it's not funny okay?who is this zayed?and why'd they approach you ???who told you all this??how??where ??when?",I interrogated more out of nervousness .

I have got proposals before this but my parents were particular about me completing my engineering first and then getting me married.

"mairuu!!Chill. Who is this zayed??jaafar explain in detail. How did it happen?who asked you?",asked mom completely ignoring my nervousness.

"mamma!!you can't get all interested in this proposal alright?I am not getting married before completing my studies",I affirmed by folding my arms across my chest.

"Ignore her mamma!!I'm excited because it's a very good proposal.You know architect nasser right?he is a well known architect in town.The one who is designing my friend arshiya's house?his younger brother.

He saw humaira's picture in my friends wedding album and from that instant he is chanting he really wants to marry humaira ,he wants this in an arranged way because my sweet Lil sis is not on any social networking sites,which is a good thing..",explained jaafar and when he was talking I had colly wobbles in my tummy and the rest of the conversation he had with mum went completely unnoticed as something caught me off guard.

I don't know if it was because he brought it in an arranged way or his name.Something made my cheeks burn. Was I was blushing????damn!!who is he???I have heard his name for the first time in my life.How could he have this impact on me?he likes me??
what next?

assalamualikum everyone ...i hope you ll like this chapter and the one's coming up...it's unedited ..so please please let me know if there are mistakes...In the next chapter I'll be introducing the male protagonist of the story..
please vote comment and share if you like it ...Hoping to update the next chapter soon..In sha Allah

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