never ending phone calls!

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"If, in spite of intense supplication, there is a delay in the timing of the Gift [al-'ata], let that not be the cause for your despairing. For He has guaranteed you a response in what He chooses for you, not in what you choose for yourself, and at the time He desires, not the time you desire."
--- The Hikam, Ibn 'Ata'illah, Chapter 1, 6.
Aaaanddd there goes all the excitement into the drain.
I put my faith in Allah, he will find the best way for this. In sha Allah
I was in a total fix,after zee's conviction about his mom staying adamant on her decision.

Normally ,in situations like these when I do not know how to react ,I approach my 2 idiots samaira and aasiya- my besties since high school. we were in the same vicinity, went to the same school and pre-uni as well.

As,samaira was very keen on taking up B. Arch , there was only 1 university -manipal which was around from mangalore. They had B.B.A in jewellery designing too, which was my passion. But my dad wouldn't let me stay in a hostel ,so I had to drop the plans even though Sam insisted we'd stay together.

As for aasiya is concerned , she always wanted to take up medicine but since she couldn't nail C.E.T(common entrance test) rank required for medicine ,she opted for C.S engg , just like me but in a different college.

In short, after completing 12th ,we were in 3 different colleges. sad right? nevertheless, we still share that 'together forever' bond and act crazy as ever when we meet .Believe me ,I'm the sane one amongst us. I know you'll can't imagine their level of craziness now. we have also made this protocol of exchanging novels once a month, which is really so much fun. Samaira's place has always been the rendezvous for us.

That was a little introduction about my besties, so coming to the point , I made a conference call, and conveyed this message of the engagement turning into a nikah.

"waaittt-whaaattt!!Are you kidding me humaira? "-sam

"Did I hear it right?"-aasiya

"you are getting married and we get to know only a months before?"-sam

"is she freaking mad?how can she do this to us?sucha traitor, I swear!!!"-aasiya

"I know right?this was least expected from you mairaaa!how could you do this to us?"-sam

"Exactly my point !!!she hid it from us!!!like US!!!!!!"-aasiya

"sssshhhhhhhhhh! !Can you'll keep calm?please"-me

" keep calm?you expect us to keep calm about this?"-aasiya

" How can we keep calm humaira? it's your wedding!!!gawddddd!!!you are getting married....what am I going to wear...I need to go shoppingggg aasiya..."-sam

"oh yeah!!shopping !!!!we hate you humaira ...we so .."aasiya

"shut up!!!I want both of you to zip your mouths for the next 10 minutes. You get that?let me complete my sentence !!phew! !listen to what I'm saying(and explained the minute to minute detail of what happened last evening).

"yeah,but still!we were just saying you know?"-aasiya

"Just saying or yelling?what on earth was that little piece of theatre for?and it's just a plan for now...not confirmed yet!!!"-me

"ohhhh okay!!so you want a nikah and you think his mom wont agree right?"-aasiya

"yesss "-me

"what should happen will happen mairuu. so, stop stressing yourself and tell me what are you planning to wear?"-sam

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