new beginning

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The Holy Quran and Sunnah have laid great emphasis on meting out the treatment to the parents.

Serving the parents well has been declared as a highly virtuous act and a great asset on this world as well in the Hereafter, Our parents deserve our greatest regard obedience and service after Allah and His Messenger.

Almighty Allah has decreed: "Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Allah, and that you be kind to parents."
[Quran Al-Isra':23]


As I lifted my head I could see zayed staring at me and mouthed don't cry and I instantly smiled feeling blessed.

Once we were done,we bid goodbyes and parted either ways. When the news was delivered ,I got busy with the never ending phone calls from family and friends congratulating me. Few of my friends refused to believe that I am officially engaged.

After having attended all the calls I had dinner with jaafar and mom ,offered my Isha prayers with 2 rakah of nafl for this abundant blessing I received. I then checked watsapp ,where I had 200+unread messages,but only 1 contact caught my eyes- z (zayed was saved as z initially ).
I changed it from z to zee .

9:00 p.m: assalamualikum, someone seems to be really busy. It looks like you have got engaged to the whole world. Can you spare some time for me please?:)-zee

I had this tendency to blush at anything related to him .I was just wondering if I'd blush when he scolds me too .

9:25 a.m: Yes ,of-course Mr. Zee .So, do you feel trapped ?Just like how the whole world terms it.-humaira

9:26 a.m: Of course not!!y'd you say that?In fact, I feel blessed and more responsible.-zee

9:28 a.m: uh-huh?And what do you expect from me as a wife?-humaira


why is he taking so long?Oh my Allah! !is he that typical guy who would try to toe my line soon after getting married to me??damn!!

9:35 a.m:You have a very big role to play humaira. I want you to increase my Iman and make me a better Muslim. I want to learn with you,together we can strive to be better Muslims, Right?can I expect that from you?-zee

oh my Allah! You have always given me what I have asked for .But this time what you have blessed me with, is much more than I could ever ask for. It seems like you have sculpted him for me and instilled all the little qualities I wanted in my future husband. Alhamdulillahi rabbal Aal-ameen. As I raised a supplication a notification beeped up from zayed .

9:40 p.m :can I expect that humaira?-Zee

9:41 p.m: of course zee . I'd love to learn with you . That's how I always wanted it to be.:)-humaira

9:42 p.m: Are you happy?-zee

9:45 p.m: Alhamdulilla..:)
I need to go sleep now zee. Take care. Goodnight .Assalamualikum :)-Humaira

9:50 pm: As much as I want you to stay for some more time ,I want you to take rest as well.
goodnight humaira. You too take care
walikum salam wa rahmutllaahi wabarakatuhu barakutuhu...:)-zee

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