Power of Isthikara

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For those of you who are unaware :

Anytime a Muslim is making a decision, he or she should seek Allah's guidance and wisdom. Allah alone knows what is best for us, and there may be good in what we perceive as bad, and bad in what we perceive as good.

If you are ambivalent or unsure about a decision you have to make, there is a specific prayer for guidance (Salat-l-Istikhara) that you can do to ask for Allah's help in making your decision. Should you marry this certain person? Should you attend this graduate school? Should you take this job offer or that one? Allah knows what is best for you, and if you are not sure about a choice that you have, seek His guidance.

Salat al-Istikhara is a powerful tool that Allah has given us to ask His guidance in all matters. We should not hesitate to pray Istikhara before making any choice in our lives, big or small.

It's important to do this prayer with sincerity, knowing in our hearts that only Allah can give us the guidance we seek, and resolved to follow the guidance He gives us, even if it clashes with our own desires.

We should also say the dua with firm conviction, not begging or pleading, but asking Allah clearly for guidance.


"it's zayed"

"what! !???",was all I could manage to say, though a hundred questions were bombarding in my head on hearing that name.

"Shahanaz aunty had called me this afternoon. She told me about this proposal and asked if you were willing to get married.I almost said no when your pappa cut me mid sentence changing it to we can think about it.See humaira,when you have got a good proposal don't decline it without thinking .Allah does everything for a reason. Pray isthikaara at night and think about it . Allah's plans are always better than our dreams. She has sent me his picture on whatsapp.You can see if you wish to.",explained my mom about the events which took place during the day when I was in college.

"of course his plans are better mama.And I have seen his picture. I mean,yeah he is okay. It really doesn't matter how he looks though ",I replied very casually trying really hard to not think about the picture that almost caught my breath.

"oh! !okayyy. Someone seems to have seen his picture already, yeah?now,all you have to do is pray isthikaara and see how you feel about this proposal.",she said as she patted my shoulder.

She left the room to offer the maghreb prayers. I found her phone on top of the tepoy and checked her watsapp notification to see his picture.

It was a selfie clicked with his nephew I guess who was soooooo very cute . Both were dressed in white shirt with different colored tie .

I think that kid will be around 2 years old. It was a nice click . I mean he didn't attract me as much as the kid, or may be he did. I don't know. A part in me was blushing but the other part was reminding me that he is a non mahrem and I can't think of him in any other way .

My mind was juggling with different thoughts on what kind of a guy he is or does he pray 5 times a day,is he righteous or not,is he boring or as crazy as me,will he prioritise family as much as I do etcetera.

In order to clear my thoughts and attain some peace of mind I performed ablutions and offered the maghreb prayers and read Qur'an which gives immense peace to my soul. After some time ,I raised a supplication asking the almighty to show a way OR rather guide me to take the right decision.

Soon after dinner,I offered Isha prayers followed by isthikaara and read the dua . I slept around 10 o clock to avoid further discussions about the proposal.

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