Author's Note

5.3K 246 18

Assalamualikum lovelies,

It's been just a few months for this story and the story has reached almost 5k views. I am overwhelmed and it's beyond my expectations . I haven't thought about where this story is going . But your constant love and support through votes and comments is the driving force to where the story has reached by far.

I really need your help now.! Along with your votes please comment on the story too!!!I'd love to interact with you'll and know more about what you feel about the story.

So, coming to the point , I had asked you'll to suggest some ideas on how their first date would be like. Depending on your comments I'd grab the idea I liked the most and will dedicate the chapter to that person.

sounds great? so what are you waiting for? stand in zayed's shoes and suggest how you would want your first official date to be like!!!

looking forward to read your creative fantasies!

lots of love,

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