Dreams revealed!

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"O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying and going round the Ka'bah, and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al-Musrifin (those who waste by extravagance)."

(Aayah No. 31, Surah Al-A'raf, Chapter No. 7, Holy Qur'an).


"humairaaaa! !did you book an appointment at the parlour?", asked mom as I was a little careless and needed constant reminders.

"oh my Allah! no I didn't what should I do?"

"call them"

"I don't have their number maa"

"Allah!! I can't blame you , really!I have spoilt and spoon fed you to an extent that it cannot be rectified now.", as mom was complaining I preferred giggling because she was sooo right.

she took the number from my cuzin and booked an appointment for me.

"humairaaaaa!!!! someone's at the door" , yelled jaafar bhai who was watching TV .

when I opened the door there was a lady standing there.

"can I meet Ms. Humaira?", she enquired with a pleasant smile.

"Ummm, yes ...I'm humaira!"

"oh okay !Mr. zayed has sent these flowers for you ",she handed a bouquet of flowers .

I graciously accepted the bouquet ,and even before i could say something she gave me a smile which was more like "this is not it ".

"Yes ??Do you have to say something? "

"Actually, your fiancé had come to the shop this morning"

"of course! To order the flowers,right?"

"Yes,the thing is you'll look alike"

oh my Allah! she was the only person left to say this. A lot of people said that me and zee share similar features like small eyes ,a cleft like line when we smile and the overall look.

"yeah a lot of people say that"

she still didn't stop staring at me. I kind of got bugged.

"Is that all ?"

"You'll make a lovely pair!May the almighty bless you with a happy and prosperous life"

I didn't know how to react at that rather abrupt compliment. I didn't know if I had to smile. I remained silent or may be in other words I was blushing.

As I thanked her ,she still didn't have any plans to move an inch back.

"DO you want to come in and have a glass of juice?",I offered.

"No thank you,

"okay anything else? "

"yes...well he sent this too", she said giving me 2 big plastics.

when I opened it they were like twenty bouquets or so.

"woahhh!! who sent all that?", asked jaafar bhai , a little awestruck by the gesture.

"Some old man walking on the road just felt like dropping these bouquets by our place, may be!", I replied sarcastically as it was very obvious .

"ha ha !trying to be funny eh?!not your thing! I swear"

I ignored that comment and arranged the bouquets on the sofa , clicked a pik with the typical surprised pose to send it to zee.

"what on earth is this?I asked the florist to get the flowers a day before the wedding . I didn't order for bouquets. who got this home?",asked dad a little confused looking at those bouquets.

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