one year of togetherness

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humaira's pov:

Zayed was busy taking care of me after I got discharged from the hospital ,more like taking a revenge for all the times I used to deadpan  him when he felt sick.

Things were getting better he was getting better and I was really grateful for that.

I called jaafar and asked him to arrange a nice evening in samaira's beach house which was within 10 kms from mangalore as I was asked not to travel much for a month atleast.

I had the option to choose between crutches and wheel chair and I preferred wheel chair as it would look more graceful than the former.

I wore a floor lengt, full sleeved, red cloured evening gown which was simple ,elegant and moreover comfortable in this state.

I couldn't move my right hand as it was still hurting so I asked samaira to do my make up.

My bhabhi kept zayed busy with some work so he could directly come to the location with jaafar in the evening.

Once I reached the spot , I rolled the wheel chair to the place jafar had arranged for us. It was breathless. The entrance was a beautiful heart shaped dome made with roses and the entire path was made of roses.

There was a cushion space arranged on the sand with a canopy hung to 4 pillars which was little with fairy lights.

One side was covered with a white sheet that served as a projector which I had not asked for.

"jaaf I loved the arrangements but why another wheel chair?"

"In case jeej would not want to make you feel insecure ",he joked .

"Oh how thoughtful of you!",I snorted.

"You like it,?",he asked as he himself looked around and admired the settings.

"yes but what is the projector for?"

"That's a surprise for you"

"Yes ..from the whole family . The remote is on the table . Play it only after jeej comes .",he replied.

"oh my Allah you are so sweet"

"huh...tell me something I don't know ",he smirked

"Buzz off"

"yes I need to cuz jeej will be here any moment "

"I thought you were supposed to pick him up"

"Nah ,I asked dad to drop him and I'll go back with dad .So that you guys can come back in my car"

"oh alright "

"Will dad manage to keep the surprise till here?"

"I'm sure he'll play a better job than me"

"well that's true"?I agreed and we both laughed.

"Hey dad's calling ,I think they are here .Take care okay"

"Yeah okay .",I replied as my stomach started churning out of nervousness.

I saw him reach the heart shaped dome and he entered ,impressed by the arrangements as he walked towards me.

I smiled and welcomed him as he came light sideways hug.

"When did you plan all this?",he asked as took a seat beside me which was the wheel chair. thanks to my over smart brother.

"Jaafar helped me."

"You look ravishing btw",he replied as he took a full glance at the dress.

"there is a day more for our 1st year "

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