craziness to the power infinity

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This chapter is dedicated to AyshaNibah who has been ever supportive and because of whom I was able to update this chapter by tonight.:)
I left to college to take take leave permissiom for another two weeks as there was only a week left for the wedding.

"humairaaaaa!!!! we won't be meeting until your nikah! !!who is going to entertain us now? The joker taking off!!will miss you really hard!", said asma while she engulfed me in a hug . zabya was almost on y he verge of crying.

"Zab !!!what's up with you?I'm not going anywhere.'s just my nikah alright? And you have to come and stay at my place as I don't have a sister with whom I can boss around and throw the bridey tantrums!! ",I joked trying to lighten up her mood and succeeded to some extent.

she gave a dry smile " I will always be at your service to-be-bridey and yes I'll be coming day after tomorrow with my bags packed. In sha Allah " she assured knowing that I didn't leave her a second option.

As classes got over , all my classmates wished me luck and blessings for my new life ahead.

As I took the window seat on the way back home I got a watsapp message.

"Assalamualikum sunshine!!How was your day?"

" walikum salam zee. alhamdulilla it was good. I have taken leave for another two weeks"

"oh that's great !!!you have your cousins wedding to be attended right?"

"well yeah!!The coming week is going to be really hectic"

As I was chatting with zee , I didn't realize I almost reached my stop.

"I can see your bus !!",zee had his office situated right opposite to my stop , He could see me from his window. So I just looked on top every time I got down from the bus and would steal a glimpse of him while he would wave at me or dramatically pose bollywood style.

Unlike the usual times, I thought I'd pretend like at nomad.

He gave me a call while my bus came to a halt at my stop.

"Romeo !O romeo !wherefore art thou Romeo ", when I performed that little piece of theatre ,zee's expression was worth watching . He did nothing , but stared at me dumbstruck with that unexpected drama which was usually thrown by him. Nevertheless, he gave in.

"Oh juliet!!your star crossed romeo is stuck in this tower . please save me my love"

"The hell zee.!!!you are romeo for godsake!Not rapunzel..How are you even stuck in a tower.?"

It was funny to watch zee from my stop. He actually looked as helpless at rapunzel from that window. But I really admired the way he would not leave an opportunity to amuse me with his cute gestures.

"I am not good with these girly fairytales and heartbreaks okay?Atleast I tried to give in...I love superheroes. I am your superman! !!", he said with a childlike smile.

"Hehe okay okay!!! Can I leave now?", I asked as I looked really stupid standing at the stop and talking on the phone with my eyes fixed on his window.

"shall I drop you?"

"DO you want me dead?"

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