Chapter Four: Why did Sabo Have to Die?

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Atami Pov

I was outta the forest to see Sabo leave, I found the note he wrote, it said:

"Ace, Luffy and Atami, I hope you guys weren't hurt in the fire. I'm worried about you three but I believe that you're okay. I'm sorry to say it but when you guys get this letter I'll already be, out on the sea. Things led to things and I decided to set out to sea before you. My destination will be anywhere but here. I'll become stronger and become a pirate. The four of us have to be the freest pirates ever so then lets meet up again somewhere. Somewhere on the big open sea, definitely someday. By the way Ace, I wonder which one of us is the older brother. One big sister, two big brothers a one little brother. It's weird but our brother and sisterhood is my treasure. Luffy is still a weak crybaby but he is our little brother so you two take good care of him." I had teary eyes when I read it but I didn't really cry about it

 All I wanted was to see him leave. I was sitting on a hill with Opal asleep besides me, after a while I saw a little ship with a boy wearing a top hat and has blond hair. It was Sabo. Since I had the power of water I helped him with the currents and stuff. When Sabo was leaving I saw a giant ship, it was the Celestial Dragon's ship. Before I knew it they destroyed his ship, I felt anger and sadness. I wanted to destroy that ship, make it sink to the bottom of the ocean but I wasn't like that. I started to hug my knees and cry, why did Sabo have to die? why cruel world, why? I thought and cried even harder. I got up and left to go back to the tree house to tell Ace and Luffy about what happened to Sabo

I was on Opal sobbing but when I saw the tree house I didn't know what to tell them. I hopped off Opal to only see and happy Ace and Luffy

"Hey Atami, where have you been?" Luffy asked

"Were you crying?" Ace asked

"What happened Atami?" they both asked and I started crying again

"Sa-Sabo, h-h-he d-d-died." I said and cried even more

"What, he wouldn't. Your joking right, this is one of your jokes." Ace said

"No it's not. I saw him die." I replied

"No way, no no way."Ace said and fell to the ground

"But, but he also wrote a note." I said and pasted it to him. Ace left with the note somewhere I didn't know when I had to look after my weak little crybaby brother. I hugged him and he hugged me back, after I read that note I wanted to protect Luffy, from anything

Time Skip

After a while of listening to Luffy cry he fell asleep, I turned around and saw Opal asleep too. I carried Luffy to where Opal was sleeping and I left him there to sleep. I left the tree house to search for Ace, I jumped on a near by tree and searched for Ace. Eventually I found him, he was by a cliff crying. I jumped down and ran to him

"Ace, are you alright?" I asked

"*Sniff* I'm alright." he said wiping away the tears

"Sabo is dead, Luffy is a weak crybaby and we, we are the strong big siblings." I said

"But we have to look after that weak crybaby." Ace replied

"I know." I said

"Atami." he said

"Yeah." replied

"Was it good that I was born?" he asked

"Of course it was. Just because your the son of the pirate king doesn't mean shit. I'm the daughter of him as well so don't say silly questions like that." I replied then before I knew it he... hugged me

"Thank you Atami, my big and only sister." he said

"Your welcome my little brother." I said and hugged him back then he fell asleep

"Are you serious?" I said "Fine I'll take you to sleep with Opal." I said and lifted him up bridely style. He was a bit heavy but I was still able to carry him, seeing Ace asleep was very cute. I hope he doesn't die, he is my only blood related brother.

After I made it back to the tree house Luffy and Opal were still asleep, I put him down to sleep until he grabbed my hand a then hugged me

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath but then hugged him back.


I look around and I'm in a marine base, there was a war going on. I look down and see that I'm older 20 or 21 or something. I see Luffy older Ace older but Ace was hurt really bad, he was versing a marine admiral Akinu. He lost and got sent flying

"Ace!" I yelled

"Atami, get outta here." he demanded 

"No." I yelled and started running to him

"You have a deped to pay." Akinu said then jumped over to Luffy

"NOOO!" I yelled then Ace went in front of Luffy the protect him. Akinu's fist went though Ace's stomach Ace fell on to Luffy

"Next is you Straw Hat Luffy." Akinu said

"No!" I yelled and kick him in the face and sent him flying

"I can't, I can't see another member of my family die." I said

"You didn't have to *cough cough* do that." Ace said

"Of course I had to do that, for my little brother's." I said 

"Well at least I get to see my blood related sister before I died." he said. I sat next to crybaby Luffy and Freckle Ace, I hugged Ace before he died

"I'm gonna miss you Atami and Luffy." Ace said

"We're gonna miss you to Ace." we both said crying

"There's one thing I wanted to say before I died." he said

"Say it then." I replied

"Okay, everyone, old man and you two. Even though I have the blood of a demon, even though I'm so weak, even though I'm the son of the pirate king. Thank you all... For Loving Me." Ace said

"Baka, I have the blood of and demon, I'm weak and I'm the daughter of the pirate king. But I do love you Ace." I said then he dropped to the ground... dead

"No,No No No No. Ace!!!" I yelled

End Of Dream

I wake up afraid, scared that Ace might die in the future, What if that was true? what if he does die? what if I never see him again? I wanna protect him now, protect my only blood related brother



Author- Yeah but not yet, I'm gonna add a twist

Atami- What's with that face

Author- No reason

Luffy- Why did you say I'm a weak crybaby??

Everyone but Luffy- Cause you are

Luffy- SHUT UP, Gomu Gomu No, PISTOL *Aims but misses and punches his face*

Everyone but Luffy- Weak

Author- Okay say bye bye now~~

Atami and Ace- Bye~~

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