Chapter Fifty-Four || Protect Princess Shirahoshi & Atami

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[I will go to Dawn Island but first, I'ma do Fishman Arc for Atami]

Third Person POV

"What is a human doing down here?!"

"How did you even get into the palace?" he tsked & jumped away, the Whitebeard Pirates got up & got into fighting stance "You haven't answered my question yet."

"We have our ways."

"We?" he smirked & Pirates came out of nowhere, there were dozens but they weren't able to match the Whitebeard Pirates

"Why were you going to kill the Princess? but even if you did you would have failed. When she would have screamed it would alarm us all."

"We wanted to kill her because mermaids are very valuble, but the Princess would of made us more then Pirates." Atami & Opal glare at them

"Opal, you & Devina get the Princess out of here quickly while we deal with these idiots." she nodded & Opal motioned Devina to follow her

"But we'll go for someone else now... someone Worth Anything We Desire, or even both." Atami glared at them while Thatch protected Atami

"You have to get out of here Atami."

"I can take care of them easily Thatch.""

"I know but..."

"I'll be fine, I promise." Atami motioned Opal & Devina to leave & they did, but they were easily spotted

"DON'T LET THAT TRAMP ESCAPE!!" that did it, Atami was already in front of him & punched him in the face

"Now!" Opal & Devina had safely got Princess Shirahoshi away from the battle while the guards, the sons & even the King were helping the Whitebeard Pirates but... the Pirates were all going for Atami & Shirahoshi

"Get Atami out of here!"

"What?!" Jozu picked her up & threw her towards Opal, who caught her & started running away "Put me down Opal!"

"No, you & the Princess are in danger!"

"But I can easily kick their ass!"

"I know, but Shirahoshi can't." she looked at Shirahoshi & saw that she had tears in the corners of her eyes, she sighed

"Alright, but put me down." as she did Atami pushed Opal's head down then kicked a Pirate in the jaw, breaking it in the process "Lets get outta here Shirahoshi, I have a plan. Opal! Get them to follow us!"


"Trust me!" with that she jumped onto Shirahoshi's back & she swam away

"She could of told me her plan..."

Opal POV

I watched as the Pirates followed after Master & the Princess & left us in the palace

"Are they really that valuable?" I shrug

"Opal, where is Atami?"

"Beats me."

"What did she tell you?"

"She said that she had a plan."

"Did she tell you this so called plan-yoi?"

"Nope." they groan in annoyance, that's when I saw Thatch light up a bit

"If we know Atami well enough, she would have gone somewhere where there's a lot of water & a stable surface." we all look at each other & our eyes widened

"She went back to the ship!!"

Atami POV

"Where am I going Atami-sama?" I look at her with a serious face

"Back to our ship."

"Your ship?" I nodded & looked back at the palace & saw them following us

"Here they come. Swim your fastest & if they get to close I'll keep them off your tail."

"O-Okay." Shirahoshi was swimming faster then before & used the moon light for a light. A man was right next to her & as he tried to touch her I kick him off his bubble or whatever then back onto her back "We're a-almost there!"

"Awesome." what I didn't notice is that one came close to me & punched me in the face, resulting with me falling

"ATAMI-SAMA!!" I spin around a couple times & I started to spark up, soon enough I was glowly a neon purple "A-ATAMI-SAMA!! HELP M-ME!!"

"She's not here anymore little tramp." before he could kill her I shot him off her

"You alright?" tears were streaming down her face but she nodded

"T-T-Thank you..." I wipe away her tears then we both start flying to our ship. I saw the Moby Dick so I landed on it easily, I told her to hide underwater, she did, while I stood on the deck

"Well look who is, here to surrender?" I chuckle then smirked

"Nope, I just lid you to my trap."

"Trap? You call this a trap?! One little bitch verses a whole pirate crew!" my smirk grew

"Do you even know why my bounty is so high? Also, following me here is rather foolish."


"Your surrounded by water now." they look around & noticed a dome around the ship/deck. I saw the fear in their eyes & that made me chuckle creepy like

"Y-You think your s-still gonna win?!"

"I know I am, cause I've dealed with cowards like you." one charged at me but the water grabbed his ankle & threw him out of water dome. I pulled a coin out, flicked it up & shot it towards them. Without harming the ship that is "Kōri no hahen." Shards made of water appeared on top of the dome, it then turned into ice & it shot at the Pirates. Killing them in a instant, soon enough they were all gone except the captain

"What are you gonna do now captain? Your all alone with no Nakama." he glared at me, I notice Shirahoshi was in his grip & he had a gun to her head, that made me pissed "Let her go!" she was crying again but harder


"Never! This tramp is coming with me, take a step closer & her blood will be on your hands! Gol D. Atami!" I tensed up at him calling me "Gol D." but I quickly shook that off. I stared at my hands & thought of blood, I smirk & lifted my hand up

"Ketsueki Kontorou: Hana." I was controlling him by my hand & I smirk "Say hello to the afterlife bitch!" I turn my hand into a fist & I heard his bones snap, I release him from blood control & his body hit the floor... lifeless. I smirk again but then Shirahoshi clamped her hands around me & was rubbing her cheek on my body

"I-I-I was so s-scared!! Thank you f-f-for saving me a-again!!!"

"No problem...!"

ASL'S Big Sister (One Piece Fan-Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon