Chapter Forty-Three || Block E

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[Lazy as fucking fuck fucks, I'm not gonna let Sabo show up tell the end of Block E]

Third Person POV

Rebecca was the Winner of Block D & everyone hated the fact that she one since she was apart of the Riku Family. Atami was getting ready for her Block when she realizes, she has to fight Ace. I probably won't go all out on him, maybe. With that she heard the female gladiators say

"If you are in Block E, please go the the arena now!" she put her helmet on & started walking to the arena, when she was finally there she started getting excited

"Its been awhile since I had a real fight like this!" Ace noticed her again & took another glance at her appearance, a burnt scar on her chest/stomach, stitches on her stomach, her right arm was silver. Through the helmet her saw freckles & chocolate brown eyes, short strawberry blonde hair & a neon purple streak

'She reminds me so much of Atami, but she also doesn't.' Ace thought, she caught his glance & when she was going to look at him he turned away

"Let get Block E, Started!" a guy came behind Atami but she easily dodged him, then kneed him in the stomach

"Looks like the famous Akashi is on the move, turning his opponents into tiny people! Yes you heard me people! The once short red headed male who ate the Saizu Saizu No Mi is here!"

"What is a man who already ate a Devil Fruit doing here?"

"After eating that Angel Fruit I will become invincible!"

"Oh hell nah, I ain't letting this little shit take my fruit." before she could charge at him, Akashi touched himself

"Saizu: Jaianto." he started growing bigger, until he was a giant, Atami smirked

"This is gonna be fun." she started cracking her knuckles & as she was gonna charge at him again she had to dodge the other people fighting her. As she kicks a guy in the face she was suddenly stabbed through the stomach, the guy pushed her forward & also stabbed Ace in the stomach. It didn't hurt Ace though, the two smashed into each other before pushing away

"What the?--" before he could say anything else she pushed him away, broke the blade with her right arm & punched the guy in the face

"This always happens." she pulls the blade out from her back & throws it at the man "Think twice before fighting someone like me."

"Looks like we have another crowd favorite! Her name is Via & she seems to be a very strong young lady!" the crowd started cheering, Atami smiled

"Never got praised before, seems cool." Ace on the other hand, was thinking again. He remembered how Atami would always get stabbed in the stomach & recover very quickly, & got easily annoyed whenever that happened. He was lost in thought when Akashi targeted him

"Easy prey." he brings his leg up then down she he could crush Ace, Atami noticed so she stopped what she was doing & started running towards him. She was there but before she could at least push him away, they were both crushed

"The crowds favorite Via was crushed by the giant Akashi! So has the wild man Ash!" oh so he thought

"Look! it looks like Akashi is struggling on something!" he was indeed. He gritted his teeth & he had one sweat drop on his forehead

"Come on!" he put pressure to his foot & caused cracks on the ground, he smirked but realized it wasn't from him, but was under his foot. Atami had caught his foot while Ace was looking up at her with amazement & shock

"H-How are you doing that?" she scoffed

"Strength." she threw his foot away & glared up at him

"Look at that cool strength! she was able to stop Akashi's giant strength!"

"That's nothing." he grabbed a sword & made that bigger "Lets see you stop this!" as it was coming down she pulled her sword out, jumped in the air & broke the sword's blade. He was left in shock when Atami gracefully landed on the ground & turned her sword into her ninja blade whip, made the blade wrap around his ankle then yelled

"Denki bakuhatsu!" Akashi started yelling in pain as he was being electrocuted, when he stopped screaming Atami started spinning around on her heel, bringing Akashi with her. Everyone was shocked & amazed how strong she was, when she stopped spinning the blade unwrapped itself from his ankle so he flew out of the ring. He shrunk back into his normal size & Atami started laughing, in a Luffy way

"Did you see that! Via & her brute strength was able to defeat Akashi the Giant!!"

"Via! Via! Via!"

"Yeah!" that's when Ace came to punch her but she moved backwards, when she faced Ace she smirked, they both jump away but still face each other

"Have we met before?"

"Maybe maybe, you just have to remember." she said as she taps her head



"But remember who?" that's when she dashed towards him

"You should never think in a battle, cause you'll be everyone's first target!" before she was gonna punch him in the gut he was able to jump away "Very good." Atami hit her left hand & her right arm was coated in the Busoshoku Haki "But can you withstand this?" she started running towards him again but Ace used Busoshoku Haki to. When they were finally at reach Ace brought his fist down while she brought it up, when their fist clashed it cause another shock wave but even more powerful then Luffy's & Don Jao's

Half of the crowd had been knocked unconscious & all the other gladiators, as they jumped away from each other again Ace looked at his hand with shock as it turned back to normal

"I finally did it!"

"Looks like the crowd have fallen unconscious! look at how strong these two gladiators are! Lets hear it for Wild Man Ash & Giant Slayer Via!" the people who were awake started cheering


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