Chapter Thirty-Three: Saving Ace! Atami vs Aokiji

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Third Person POV

"ATAMI!! LUFFY!!" the two ignored him & made their way towards his execution stand, they just kept coming. It was endless. As she jumps off a back of a Marine & tries to slice another Marine in half something grabs her by the ankles & flies off, leaving her upside down

"What the fuck?!"

"Long time no see, huh Atami-san?"

"Devina!" she threw Atami on her back & the two flew off

"We need you to get to Ace-san as quick as possible."

"I know I know, oh & one question."

"What is it?"

"You & Marco done it yet?"

"Atami!" she starts laughing while Devina blushes

"I'm sorry, let me see Thatch first." she nodded, as she saw the Whitebeard Pirates she jumped off Devina & she (Devina) turned back into her human form

"Where... is he?" Devina shrugged

"Did I mention that he got a haircut."


"Yeah. His hair isn't like that bread type anymore, its short held back by a black headband." Atami blushed, she stopped blushing when she saw him

"Thatch!" he turned around & smiled at Atami

"Atami!" she ran at him & he caught her

"I love the new haircut."


"Of course." before he could say anything else she slammed her lips on his, as she broke the kiss she smirked at him "If I don't see you again, but I probably will."

"What do you mean by that?!" she didn't reply but ran away, with a serious face. Atami was busy killing Marines & didn't notice that something came flying at her

"ATAMI!!" just as she looks to where the sound was she was tackled by a certain rubber boy


"Are you okay Atami?"

"I was until I got tackled by you."

"Sorry, also me & Mama are actually... whats the word?"


"Yeah that's it!"

"I'm so proud of you Luffy, I really really am."

"Thanks big sis."

'He called me big sis... yay!'


I watched how in-sync the two fought, all so they could get to me. I couldn't believe it at least, as the two came nearer, protecting each other

"Aokiji, take care of her will you?"

"I'm on it, maybe finally get rid of that Rubber Kid." he jumped down & slowly made his way towards Atami & Luffy, & they didn't notice

"ATAMI!! LOOK OUT!!" she looks at me confused but then rose her sword up blocking a attack from Aokiji

Atami POV

My sword was wobbling a little as I tried to keep it in place, Aokiji's fist was made of ice & he was trying to freeze my sword

"Luffy! get out of here! I'll keep him off your tail so go help Ace!"

"Are you sure?"

"Just go!"

"Okay!" as Luffy ran away I threw Aokiji away

"Its the end of the line for you, Gol D. Atami."

"Its 'Portgas' D. Atami."

"Doesn't matter, you are daughter of the man who started the Pirate Era."

"& if he didn't then, what would be happening today?" I ask as we circle each other

"... You tell me." I sweat drop, we stop & I put my sword back

"Shall we, Aokiji?"

"Water vs Ice. Lets do this." we started walking at each other before running, his fist turned to ice again while mine turned into water. As we got nearer I brought my fist up, now we were right in front of each other our fist clashed at each other causing a big water & ice shock wave [if ye now the episode of when Ace vs Blackbeard, at the end of it, that's what I'm trying to do]

As the dust cleared I saw that there was a giant pillar of ice, he must have froze my water, Aokiji was on the ground either unconscious or asleep... he's asleep

"Yes!" that's when someone's arms wrapped themselves around my waist & pulled me towards him "Luffy?! stop doing that!"

"Sorry, but that was awesome!"

"Thank you, put me down now!"

"Okay." he did & that's when I noticed the left strap to my shirt was off so the Whitebeard tattoo was showing now some Marines gasped

"She's a Whitebeard Pirate now!!"

"No! its just an alliance!!" Luffy yelled

"You jealous little bro?" 

"Maybe." I chuckled, I picked him up by his waist until I placed him on my hand. I spun around a couple times until I stopped & threw him towards Ace


"YEAH!!!" that's when he landed on the execution stand

"What a throw!!" I was just punching the air until I cut stabbed through the chest, by a chainsaw "Who are you?"

"I am Vice Admiral Darcy, I don't want to kill you brother but we have to, but when we do I know he'll still love me." 

"What?!" I pull my sword out then kicked her, she pulled the chainsaw out of me & grunted

"You'll pay for that, sister-in-law..." she said very yandere

"We are not sisters! & never will be!" her eyes suddenly turned dark, but when she charged she had a very very very creepy smile "Fuck!" I was blocking her attacks but her creepy smile never left her face

"We'll live happily ever after..."

"Your fucking nuts!" as I steadily keep her chainsaw away from me my hair was suddenly in my in my face, I look up & see the execution stand where Ace & Luffy were was... now on fire

"ACE!! LUFFY!!" there were tears in the corners of my eyes while Darcy was laughing

"Straw Hat-boy!!"


"Ace-kun well now be mine, & only mine."

"You bitch!" when I was going to strike at her, suddenly the fire turned into the Whitebeard Symbol then there was a tunnel of fire, I sighed in relief 

"He can be a real showoff sometimes." out of the fire came... Ace & Luffy 

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