Chapter Five: See Ya Guys Later

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Atami Pov

It's been 6 years and I'm 17, Ace is 16 and Luffy is 13. I was leaving the Island with Opal with me because I will never leave her behind. I found a big ship like really big that she can actually fit. Before I left me and my brother's had one more fight, me and Ace won against Luffy so now it was now me and Ace

"Come on Ace, I'm ready." I said

"Yeah yeah I know Atami." Ace said and ran up to me

"Go Ace, Go Atami." Luffy cheered no knowing who to cheer for. Ace ran up to me and was ready to punch me but I moved to the side and made him trip

"Is that all?" I asked

"No." he said and tried kicking me but failed so I kick him back

"Winner~~" I sang

"You won again Atami." Ace said while I helped him up

"Yay Atami won." Luffy said and hugged me

"HEY!!" Ace yelled and I laughed

Time Skip

"See ya everyone." I yelled

"See ya Atami." everyone said

"Oh wait, Ace catch." I said and threw him a Mini Transponder Snail

"When you become a pirate, call me." I said

"Okay see ya later Atami." he yelled

"Goodbye." I said and turned away. When I was outta sight for everyone I used the power of my Angel Fruit to make to currents help the boat go faster. I already miss those two numb skulls, they made me feel awesome, not alone.

Ace Pov

"I miss Atami already." Luffy whined 

"You'll have to wait for 4 years to see her." I said

"Why can't we call her now?" Luffy asked

"Because she gave it to me not you." I replied

"Oh fine, anyways lets go back to the tree house." Luffy suggested

"Yeah race ya." I said and ran there

"Hey no fair." Luffy yelled and ran after me. I was still faster then Luffy but Atami was faster then the both of us combined. When we reached the tree house I heard Luffy whine again

"Ace I'm hungry."

"Well get food then." I said

"I can't swim." I replied

"Fine I'll get the crocodile." I said and dived into the water

"Thanks Ace I'll find a boar or something." he said and left

"Annoying little brother." I said under my breath then something pricked my foot. It was shiny, I picked it up and it was a dagger. Atami's dagger, I remember her dropping this when she first used her powers. I used it to kill an crocodile then I put it in my pocket then I pulled the crocodile to shore

'I guess I should give this to her when I see her again.' I thought

"ACE I'M BACK!!" Luffy yelled with a boar on his 

"That didn't take long." I said and got up

Time Skip Couple Of Months

Once I woke up I got up and saw a seagull with the news paper, I took it off him and read it. In block writing and caps it said


"WHAT!!"  I yelled and ran down to wake Luffy


"Why???" Luffy asked

"In the news paper, it's about Atami." I replied

"WHAT!!" he yelled

"READ IT!!" I yelled at him and he took it off me

"Her bounty is already up to 700,000,000 beli?" Luffy asked

"She even killed a vice admiral." I said

"THIS IS AMAZING!" Luffy yelled

"I know." I replied

Bera Bera Bera Bera~

Bera Bera Bera Bera~

It was the Mini Transponder Snail Atami gave me, I picked it up and heard her voice

"Yo Ace did you read the news paper?" she asked

"Yeah, you already have a Bounty of 700,000,000." I replied

"I know great huh." she said

"Is that Atami?" Luffy asked

"Yeah." I answered

"Let me talk to her." he said

"Fine." I said and passed it to him

"Ace you still there?" she asked

"Nah this is me Luffy." Luffy replied

"Oh what up Luffy, you read the news paper?" she asked

"Yeah, did you really kill a vice admiral?" Luffy asked

"Yeah but that was but accident. I was in a bar and he came up to me, plus he was drunk. He said he wanted to have fun but I said no, then he pulled out his gun and pointed it at head. I had no chose but to kill him so I did." she explained

"That vice admiral is a jerk." Luffy said

"Meh at least I took care of him." she said then we heard a BOOM

"Atami are you alright?" I asked

"Yeah just got marines behind me, gotta go. Can't wait to see ya guys." 

Gatcha~ she hung up

"Holy shit our sister is already famous." Luffy said

"Not famous, infamous." I said

"What does that mean?" he asked

"It means well know to some bad quality or deed." I explained

"Oooohhhh." Luffy said

"You still don't get it do you?" I asked

"Nope." he said then I sighed 


Atami- Suck it Ace, my bounty is 700,000,000 Beli

Ace- Shut up Atami, don't rub it in

Luffy- You just got told

Ace- Be quiet Luffy

Author- Can you guys just stop

Ace- No

Atami- Thank you Author, I am stronger and better then Ace

Ace- Author you suck, you made me seem like a loser

Author- Shush now say bye~~

Everyone- Bye~~!!

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