Chapter Seven: Meeting Shanks

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A few months pasted and I'm heading to a Island right now since I need to meet up with Red Hair Shanks. I wonder what he wants? I thought. After I docked on the Island I left Opal asleep on my ship, I don't think people a loud giant tigers on there Island. I looked at the other docked ships and saw his, I recognized his ship because I saw his Jolly Roger. It was a skull with two swords behind it and three scars on it's left eye

I left my ship and walked up to his and when the people saw me they just gave me a smile, what a weird island. I thought to myself, when I was close to his ship I didn't see anyone on it. I went to the closest person I saw and asked them 

"Um excuse me, have you seen a man with red hair and three scars on his left eye?"

"Yes indeed, he's in that bar with his friend's." he replied

"Thank you." I said

"Your welcome." he said 'What a weird town.' I thought. I entered the bar to only see everyone stare at me

"Okay." I said

"Look, it's the Water Witch." a man said

"Everyone knows me of course." I said

"Oh look *hic* it's the girl I *hic* wanted to talk too." Shanks said while putting his arm around me

"Are you drunk?" I asked

"No." he answered

"Of course you are." I said

"Just leave him." a man with a X scar on his face

"So what did you want to talk to me about." I asked the drunk red hair

"Maybe we can talk on my ship." he said

"How about mine, my pet tiger Opal might destroy the Island to find me." I explained

"Okay to her ship than?" he asked

"Yep." they all said and ran out of the bar carrying me. When we were back on my ship I went up to Opal and sat next to her

"That is your pet tiger?" a fat man asked

"Yes indeed she is." I said

"That is the biggest tiger I've ever seen. When did you get it?" Shanks asked

"When I was 11." I said

"11!!" they all yelled

"Yeah, is something wrong with that?" I asked

"No it's just that a girl that was 11 tamed a giant tiger." a fat man said

"Okay besides that, what did you want to talk about?" I asked again

"Oh yeah, your bounty is 3,000,000,000 beli." he said

"Yeah what about it?" I asked him

"That's higher then mine." he explained

"Oh I'm sorry. Luffys gonna get angry that I'm stronger then his hero." I replied

"Wait Luffy, does he have a scar under his left eye and wearing a straw hat?" he asked

"Um yeah, he's my little brother." I explained

"Little brother, I never knew that he had a older sister." he said

"When he was younger all he would talk about was you, he did mention some other names like Benn Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Roo and Rockstar." I explained

"Yeah over there." he said and pointed them

"Benn." he waved

"Yasopp." he winked

"Lucky." he ripped the meat from the stick

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