Chapter Fifty || Finally, Time for a Rest

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Atami POV

Me & Opal were wandering around the country, looking for Luffy & others but wasn't able to find them yet. I groan & stomp the ground, my arm was way to sore & wasn't able/bothered to create the portal

"So you lost their scents?"

"Yeah, there's to much blood & rubble in the air so its blocking their scents for me." I run a hand through my hair but that's when I notice the same little girl from before

"Hey Faith!"

"Atami-sama!" I walk up to her & she hugs me "Thank you! because of you & Opal-sama, my grandfather & I are alive."

"I'm glad that your alive, also, have you seen a weird looking bunch walk by?"

"I think I have, I saw a big guy with blue hair & weird shoulders go that way." she pointed in a direction where it lid to the sunflower field

"Thank you so much!" I kiss her forehead & made a rose out of water & put it in her hair "This flower will never dissolve so take good care of it."

"I will." Opal & I head towards the field & when we got there it was already dark

"Now where are they?"

"Over there!" Opaal pointed to a little house "It is them, I found their scent again." that's whenn I saw a figure walking towards the house & I instantly know its Sabo

"Time to scare a bitch..." I started stalking Sabo & every time he turned around & hid in the flowers, he shrugged it off & kept on walking

"Is this necessary?"

"Indeed." Opal sighed, I notice that Sabo was about to enter the house when I quietly crept on him. Just as he turned around I squeezed his shoulders & screamed, he screamed a high pitched noise which made me laugh my ass off

"The look... the look on your... face was so priceless!!"

"Atami!? Why must you torture me!?!?!"

Third Person POV

Zoro opened the door to see a blonde blushing like crazy, a girl laughing like crazy & a neko girl shaking her head

"Who are you people?" Atami, Sabo & Opal look at the moss head & awkwardly laugh

"Siblings." Sabo helped Atami up & when they walked in they grinned

"Again who are--"

"Sabo! Atami!"

"Atami?!?" she shushed them when Luffy groaned "Your suppose to be dead...!"

"That's harsh..."

"Who's the Sabo guy?"

"I'm their other brother." she nods, their moutgs hung low expect Robin's "He hasn't mentioned me I see."

"No he hasn't." Atami started to smile until her eyes land on Law

"Does anyway have a permanent marker?"



"You know him?" she glares at him, he sweat drops

"When Master was like... 19 years old she had met Trafalgar Law. The two had a 1 on 1 battle & she won. He had promised her that he wouldn't harm the two brothers but would help them, but, she found him creepy." Franky gave her a marker & she started drawing on his face, they sweat drop

"Alright... &... done!" she wrote "ATAMI WAS HERE" going down his forehead to his chin & drew a fake moustache "Now I am satisfied."

"Okay? Atami, how are you alive?" everyone looked at her, she sighed & sat on the bed Ace, Sabo & Luffy were on

"Uh... when Akainu had ya know "killed" me I was actually dead. Straight up dead! Everything was pitch black & I couldn't see anything, untl I saw a pitch of light, I awoken, but I was pissed. I didn't mention that I lost my arm yet, well I did so I made a arm out of water & kinda... started killing people. I found out that the Romana Siblings had saved me, thanks to Nami's boyfriend. Jezaya had made me a arm out of titanium & also rebuilt my sword again. During those 2 years I had been training & got a new bounty as the Mysterious Electritress, Bounty: 900,000,000 Beli."

"You were her the whole time?!"


"Anyways, Sabo, why don't you tell us about your past." he took a deep breath & nodded

~After his Explanation~

Franky was crying & started to smoke up, Opal was tearing up Atami felt bad for him

"You had amnesia but you remembered me?"


"Jesus, that's awful." both Sabo & Atami got up but she yawned

"Well we'll be going now."


"Here, its a Vivre Card for Luffy. If he's missing or something."

"When did you have the time to make this?"

"I'll take a piece too."

"Gimme a piece!" Sabo & Atami took a piece & put it away

"If you guys ever come across the Whitebeard Pirates, come aboard cause that's where I'll be." Atami kissed Ace's forehead before the three of them left

"See ya later Atami, Opal."

"Mm, tell Keisha, Hack & Koala I said bye."

"Of course." the hug each other & went their seperate ways

"Lets get back now, I'm both tired & hungry!"

"Alright, open a portal."

"Oh yeah." Atami opened a portal & hopped in, Opal trailing behind "I'm going to get some food!"

"I'm going to sleep."

"Goodnight!" Atami walked into the kitchen & was taking all the food, just as she was going to leave she heard

"Who's eating the food this late in the night...?" Thatch walked in & saw Atami


"Your back!" she put everything down as she hugged him "Where the hell were you?!"

"Like I said before, I went to Dressrosa. I fought in a Collesium (can't spell) & the prize was my Angel Fruit! I won & after that my three little brother's saw me & started crying, Luffy was able to defeat Doflamingo & here we are now..."

"Doflamingo found the Angel Fruit? Where is it now?"

"My other brother Sabo ate it." he starts pouting "Anyways I'm tired so I'm going to sleep." then she fell asleep in his arms

~ Time Skip ~ Atami POV



"R-Read the newspaper!"

"Okay?" I took it off her & started to read it, with Opal, Marco & Thatch loom over my shoulder


I look at my bounty name & see that it was The Water Electritress Atami! Bounty: Any Amount You Desire. & I was circle dead, not dead or alive

"I'M THE STRONGEST ONE THERE IS!!! YEAH!!" I started laughing while the others had a shocked expression

"Atami is now the strongest Female out there-yoi."

"& she's my wife."

"Lucky bastard..."

"At least you have Devina."

ASL'S Big Sister (One Piece Fan-Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz