Dreaded Dare - 1

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Skye's P.O.V

I sat in the circle dreading where the empty glass bottle was going to land. I just prayed it wouldn't be me, but if it was me I knew the dare was going to be bad, real bad. Probably pay back for daring one of my best friends, Kyle; to run around the park naked in winter, yeah I'm not the nicest person when it came to dares.

I stared into Kyle's challenging green orbs, hoping he wouldn't make my dare too harsh. With his skinny frame he is very easy to beat in a physical fight, but it's like he has charm speak as he can talk his way out of anything and get anything.

"Zoe. Jade. Please make sure Kyle, Toby and Caleb go easy on me! I'll even buy you all food; just don't make it too bad!" I begged them, looking into all their eyes to try and gain sympathy which looked as if it wasn't working one bit.

"No. Can. Do. This is pay back for all the dares you've given us in the past. Plus, I thought you were the schools dare devil in disguise. You have a reputation to keep up to track and remember your sister..." Caleb told me in a challenging tone trying to persuade me to keep an open mind.

"Okay, fine. What's my dare then?" I asked them all with a straight face trying not to give away that I was actually scared of what they were going to come up with.

All four of them shuffled away to a different part of the room and started to whisper quietly as I just sat there awkwardly hoping they'd hurry up. Usually I would look forward to their dares but not today, not since I dared each member of the group some dares they will never forget.

"Come on guys we haven't got all day! I'm hungry and frankly enough I want a pizza to order so please, take your time." I told them sarcastically, causing all four of them to head towards me with smirks on their faces, but Kyle had the biggest devilish smile.

"I dare you, Skye Street, to join the boys Soccer team in disguise as a boy for one whole season. This plan and dare will succeed, if you accept, as Caleb and Toby are on the team and can teach you to play beforehand. Zoe and Jade are pretty good when it comes to wigs, costume, makeup and dressing up in general. Do you accept?" Kyle asked with a very formal approach. I sat still, thinking about what they just said. There will be many consequences if I'm caught. But he had a point, Caleb and Toby can teach me and both Zoe and Jade are amazing with fashion. I mean it couldn't be that bad right........right?

"Well, I have played football before. A few years back for a season when I was nine, I might have a chance right?" I asked in a nervous tone hoping for reassurance.

"You'll be fine" Zoe reassured me, she always knew what to say "We won't want you to get caught anyway because a.) It will be hilarious seeing you dressed as a boy trying to be good at football and b.) If you get caught there will be consequences which we don't want you to suffer, well I don't want you to anyway!"

"I don't know guys; I need to really think about it first. Just think about all the consequences and problems there will be along the way, I'm bound to get caught!" I looked at each of them individually. Even though I knew there would be endless amounts of teasing if I didn't do this dreaded dare, I just don't think I can do it.

"Skye please say yes! It may not be easy but it will be once you get the gist. I dare you to turn up for soccer practice with the guys for one season then you can quit it.

"You'll be fine with Toby and Caleb. Just say yes and you will be the daredevil of the school. You will be doing what your sister never got to do" Jade told me matter a fact

"I don't care that my sister didn't succeed but if your that sure that it won't go wrong or back fire then I, Skye Chance, accept the dare to join the guys soccer team for a whole season on the word 'loving' and the word 'friends' leaving all responsibility if this fails to my loving friends!" I spoke aloud, making sure to put an emphasis on 'loving friends'.

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