Dreaded Dare - 16

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Skye's P.O.V

"Yeah you say it a lot, but I knew it anyway" Hunter told me smirking cockily causing me to laugh, he was so sure of himself. It felt so good to finally laugh though, even if it was over such a small thing I hadn't laughed since my mother passed and damn it felt good to laugh.

Once Hunter and I had left the restaurant he gently interlaced our hands and walked with me towards a small and cosy looking cinema where we collected our tickets and gave them to the man who collected in all the tickets. Once we went through the door the whole director's theatre was lit up and Hunter led me to front row leather seats helping me into my seat before leaving yet again.

A minute or two later he came back and passed me some salted popcorn, which was my favourite since I couldn't sweet popcorn along with a mixed tango ice blast, he knew what I wanted and I didn't even have to ask.

"Thank you so much Hunter, but are you sure you're alright paying for all of this?" I asked Hunter feeling extremely guilty.

"It's my treat for you; anyway it's our little date!" Hunter told me and I froze up taking in a gulp of air, did he just say date?

"A date, is it now?" I asked Hunter not daring to look at him in the eye, only his plump, pink lips which looked extremely kissable, he probably thinks I am indirectly flirting with him by looking at his lips so I looked at his neck instead.

"Well it could be if that's what you want" Hunter told me smirking; oh he did not just go there.

"You're a player" I protested causing him to put a hand on his heart and look taken aback as dramatically gasped.

"That really got to me you know. Right in the heart" Hunter told me sarcastically and I rolled my eyes before gently slapping him in the stomach.

For the rest of the film I was concentrated on the screen watching intensely at everything James Bond did, this stuff was important. Overall the film was good except I could feel Hunter's gaze fixed on me at some points of the film but I tried to ignore him although it was hard, who cares if he was looking at me anyway?

As good as the film was if someone got killed or hurt I couldn't help feeling like I was being kicked in the stomach, it was like everything would link back to my mum, and everything would lead back to her death, I know this is only a phase but I hated the fact that everything reminded me of her, even James Bond.

But I couldn't cry in front of Hunter again because I don't want him to worry about me, I don't want anyone to worry about me because that'll just make me feel worse than I already do.

"So did you enjoy the film short cake?" Hunter asked me politely and I nodded following him out the cinema lounge.

"I loved it, especially the ending, thank you so much for taking me I had an amazing time!" I thanked him as we hit the outside air which chilled me to the spine but Hunter seemed to notice I was cold as he offered me his coat, why was he acting like such a gentlemen?

I wish other boys would do sweet things like this, not that there aren't guys out there who have genuine intentions, but all the guys I have ever dated seem to be a particular type: rude, impolite jerks who wouldn't even open a door for you if you paid them.

"Why can't all boys be like you Hunter" I thought realizing I said it out loud causing me to go red as I got into Hunter's car and turned up the music. I couldn't speak to Hunter right now as I might say something I regret dearly.

"You don't need to be embarrassed by what you said short cake, it was cute!" Hunter told me probably smirking to himself or grinning and the way he said short cake bugged me, since when did he start giving me nick names?

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